Three letter abbreviations in Solarium Imperium | World Anvil

Three letter abbreviations

Throughout history, militaries have been using abbreviations to have time during combat or to save space during reports. To civilians, some of these abbreviations can be quite confusing but some of them have also been adopted by the civilian population.   Some of these abbreviations are:  


Commander, Air Group, this is a term that has been adopted from the old navies on Earth, it was used on aircraft carriers and has been adopted for use in the spaceborne successors to these carriers.  




room in a warship that functions as a tactical centre and provides processed information for command and control of the near battlespace or area of operations.  


Close Air Support, two versions of these exist, a spaceborne version and a planetary based, both fulfill the same target and both can technically operate from landing strips on planets but the main difference is that the spaceborne version is deployed from orbiting carriers and can within a relatively short time attack anywhere on a planets surface.  


a radar picket destroyer, a type of destroyer outfitted with a larger than normal amount of radars and is used by fleets to give advanced warning of incoming attacks or other events that might threaten the fleet.  


is the provision of guidance to close air support aircraft intended to ensure that their attack hits the intended target and does not injure friendly troops. This task is carried out by a forward air controller  


In Case Of (or In Care Of / In Concern Of)  


Jet Blast Deflectors are used onboard carriers to protect potential spacecraft from other ones that are in the process of taking off.  


Out Freaking Standing (polite form)  


Oh my God, first used by Lord Fisher in 1917 in a letter to Winston Churchill  


Three letter abbreviations


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