Farlen Daergel Character in Soldaana | World Anvil

Farlen Daergel

Farlen is a male Rock Gnome who owns and runs a bakery, Daergel's Dough, in the Vittilas Sector of Ebonrock. Farlen is married to Isohana, who together had a daughter named Roywyn.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Young Farlen was not as fascinated with how to make new tools like most gnomes, but rather how he could use them to create things that would benefit everyone. He developed a love for cooking, brewing, and especially: baking. He took this love and made a profession out of it, becoming a renowned baker in Ebonrock - having a little shop in the Vittilas district called Daergel's Dough. His signature creation - bread. He was an artisan and the lord of the city, Lord Wintson Tannik, would even make visits or requests for this bread.   One day a young female rock gnome stumbled into his bakery whilst buried in her book, oil and and grease matting her hair and face, when she bumped into another gnome. He himself was buried in working his dough, face covered in flour and egg. They locked eyes and well...after that it was history. They wed and had a beautiful, fiery-haired and fiery-spirited daughter: Roywyn.   Eighty years ago, tragedy struck after the family had relocated to Ellidell for a brief time as his wife, Isohana, was engaged in new experiments with science and magic. This tragedy resulted in the disappearance of both his wife and daughter. Farlen spent the next 20 years wandering around Southern Soldaana looking for answers before eventually returning to Ebonrock and re-opening his shop hoping one day that his family would return there. Home.

Gender Identity

Farlen is a male.


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