Jizzar Otenlo - Ooze Genasi Master Character in Soldaana | World Anvil

Jizzar Otenlo - Ooze Genasi Master

An ooze genasi who is a mentor and trainer at The College of the Primordials, helping teach many of the water, ooze, and earth genasi skills and how to use or control their powers.   Jizzar has had an especially close connection with one of his students, Surge, and has served as a mentor and guide alongside their main master and teacher: the Marid genie, Willah.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jizzar has been teaching at The College of the Primordials for most of adult life following the passing of his one and only daughter.    He sees all of his students as his children of sorts and would do anything to help them succeed. He has formed a strong menore-mentee relationship with Surge and has taught her a variety of skills, including on how to create and deploy acid.


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