Kakeste - Magma Genasi Master

Kakeste is an elder Magma Genasi who has served as an Elemental Master the longest, at least currently. He is considered the most physically powerful master, second only to Ghazzad (who himself is a genie). He uses his knowledge to teach earth, fire, and magma genasi the ways to manipulate heat and earth. While also capable of building like the Dust Genasi, Magma genasi at destroying and rebuilding land masses and foundations - able to redirect rivers, raise farming fields, and more. They also possess the most devastating abilities and unlike most genasi, magama (like fire) genasi are often sought out regularly to bring them back to the College of the Promoridals to hone their powers. After all, uncontrolled magma (and fire) leads to the most devastation for a young genasi.


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