Nero Morrinvale Character in Soldaana | World Anvil

Nero Morrinvale

Nero is the head of the Morrinvale family and is the supporter of much of the exploits of Ostenforth, serving as a benefactor.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nero is the next Morrinvale in a very long line, the lineage having existed since before The Convergence. He has been uninterested in politics and the state of the world over the past 1-2 centuries and has given up his mantle of power to the people instead focusing on understanding more of the ways of the world. His father and grandfather were interested in order and balance but as the times have changed so have the Morrinvale values.

Gender Identity

Nero is a Male High Elf.

Intellectual Characteristics

Nero is fascinated by the unknown and often likes to involve himself in situations and places where he should not be (in all honesty). However he is quite smart and quick-witted and seems to always have a sense of how to solve a problem. To that end, he prefers to let others discover the answer for themselves - giving them the means to choose what to do next as he is fascinated by the power of choice.

Morality & Philosophy

Just as he is fascinated by the power of choice, Nero believes that everyone should have charge of their own lives but understands that it is hard to have the means to achieve them at times. Thus, he does what he can to provide the means to others while letting them live their life as you own. He understands that it is hard to change if you cannot be given the opportunity.
Ruled Locations


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