Uldren Falstaff Character in Soldaana | World Anvil

Uldren Falstaff

Uldren is the head of the Soldaana Coalition and also a sort of "head" of some of Ostenforth's political interests. He himself is most interested in uncovering the secrets and past of Soldaana and its rich history.    Uldren knows much of the known history regarding Soldaana and is a trove of knowledge when it comes to the Gods and culture across the continent. Due to this he initially served as a focus for the Tabaxi known as Haza-Nar when bringing an ancient and magical stone. The Party was able to bring the stone to Uldren and now use him as an ally and source of information of what the stones could mean and what they could be used for.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Uldren has always been fascinated by history and the unknown and has made it his life goal to explore Soldaana's long forgotten past. He was born and raised in Ostenforth and went on my expeditions and excavations at a young age. Eventually, Uldren and others formed the Soldaana Coalition around 60 years ago and have made large efforts in exploring more ruins and ancient sites throughout Soldaana.


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