Willah - Water Genie

Willah is an ancient Water Genie, known as a Marid, who teaches the ways of water and life to all those interested at the College of the Primordials (with a fondness for water, ooze, steam and ice genasi). Willah is one of the oldest genies, being the first marid created by Loterna. She has made it her goal to preserve the history of Soldaana and was the one who insisted on keeping ancient text within the libraries in Soldaana. However, it also means that she is the keeper of many secrets, trusting the God's will.   Willah is one of Surge's mentors, fascinated by her impressive prowess and control over her abilities. Willah, alongside Jizzar, taught Surge how to better use her element to help other. However, their teaching styles and demeanors often clashed when instructing young Surge. Willah is a stern, but soft-hearted Genie who cherishes order and reason.


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