Zerafas Geographic Location in Soldaana | World Anvil


Zerafas lies to the far south-west of Soldaana and is a coastal region of rocky cliffs, lush jungles, and marshes teeming with life. Zerafas has a large mining economy along the coast as well as one of the strongest trading economies in the port town of Graften. It was one of the wilder of the lands but holds many secrets that the locals teach and pass on - especially to those interested in the city of Ostenforth. Zerafas has a large population of Dwarves, Tabaxi and Dragonborn.   Zerefas is said to have been the sphere of Zeraken and was once highly ordered and maintained. However, after the convergence the land fell into chaos and disarray becoming overgrown and ultimately hiding a lot of the past. This included the city in which Zeraken was said to rule from, Zenrah-Kan.


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