An Unexpected Guest 1

Operation Parameters

Date 1492 DR, 21 Flamerule
  • Lucius
  • Triste
  • Tide
  • Aceso Medicus
Casualties None

Operation Details

  • Prior to departure, the mission team procured, from the Jim(s), a strong alcoholic drink as a gift/act of good faith to reciprocate the gift of Whiskey that was left by the unknown guest who announced himself as the "Lord of the Land".
  • During our early travels south we came upon a series of plants in a long curved line. There were a significant amount of these plants; each separated by a distance between them, but close enough to be unavoidable -- potentially flesh eating fungus. Based on our initial observations the plants moved at double our speed, and only when we moved (on our footfalls). To avoid being swarmed, our plan was to attempt to cut a path through the center, by taking out the ones directly in the center, and any too close behind with ranged attacks. Upon destroying the first plan, all the plants seemed to explode as if connected, and a gas/mist was released. While most of the party was able to avoid it, Aceso was affected by it. Affects to the lungs were instant, and caused exhaustion and based on his medical training, was able to determine it required immediate attention or serious complications and death would eventually follow. The use of lesser restoration by Aceso was enough to remove the ailment.
  • Further into our travels south, the team noticed that they were being tailed by an unknown creature that maintained just enough enough distance to be unidentifiable. For a short time, the team continued on the path while keeping tabs on the trailing creature. At a certain point, the creature was identified as a wolf, but before action could be taken a would-be hunter and his wolf were seen ahead on the path. The team made their presence known to the hunter to determine if he was the "lord of the land", but he responses indicated that he was not. While the hunter and his wolf were not aggressive initially on approach, his wolf did attack once close. Followed by the approach of the creature tailing us (wolf), and the hunter transforming into a werewolf. During the battle, Aceso was bitten by the werewolf and suspected that he had been infected by his ailment, but knew the next full moon should be 2/3 weeks away -- but also noted that no moon has been seen since their arrival. In any case, treatment should be sought for this curse as soon as possible. Upon arrival back at the camp later in the day, the curse was lifted from Aceso. Also of note, all physical damage to the werewolf had zero affect -- likely silver weapons should be procured as soon as possible by parties. Upon the death of the wolves, a purple gas was produced that caused Tide to see all other party members as the enemy, and attack. Upon rendering him as unconscious, and reviving him with a heal, he was cured of the ailment. In an attempt to skin the werewolf, Tide got some blood on his arm which immediately turned into a smooth purple blotch. It wasn't drainable, such as an infection, and seemed more arcane in nature. After several hours it didn't seem to increase in size notably. Upon showing to the Jim(s), after arriving back at camp, they proceeded to forcibly remove the spot from his arm with a knife.
  • Continuing further south we came across long chasm/fissure in the ground the completely blocks the pass south. A long jump may be possible for highly athletics soldiers, with incredible luck on their side, but I would warn against. The mission team was able to make its way across via a rotten log and significant precautions. Understanding the tree could fail, each member crossed through the use of rope tied to themselves, and held on by the other team members and eventually tied to a rock for the last 2 members. On the last member to cross [Tide], it did collapse, but between the rope and prepared climbing gear by the team member, they were successful. ***There is currently no manner to cross the chasm at present.
  • Additional note for the long chasm/fissure. There were noises coming from it as if something was in it; initially it was simply ominous, and then changed to the sounds of whispers. The area had blast/scorch marks with skeletons, some humanoid and not, within them. They seem to be a year old based on Aceso's medical training, but the decay was off according to Triste. No further information would be determined, but it was concerning, and may require further investigation.
  • Continuing further south we came another highly intoxicated person, who upon introductions, confirmed that he was the lord of the land -- Marquis of Alaron. He was located in an area of dense fog, that was close to a manor. After proving our gift wasn't too dangerous by drinking the alcohol provided by the Jim(s) [Carol], and providing it to him, an initial rapport was created.
  • In pursuit of the original goal of gaining an ally (at this point unaware of his current state), we asked if we could assist him in any way to make up for the slight he felt from being kicked out (denied entry) during the initial encounter at the fort. Ultimately, he asked for assistance with getting his home/manor back, which he was unable to access. (See information gathered below under *A1*). Learning of the pixie, and how he lost it, we decided the best course of action was to report back to the fort with the information, and then meet up with the Marquis the next day after relaying the information, and getting additional opinions of the commanders, and potentially getting items to bet with the pixie. The Marquis was fine to wait, but requested to come back to the fort with us. We respectively attempted to turn him down, but he told us he already knew where it was, and started heading that direction. The team attempted to send an owl familiar back to camp with the information gathered, and a warning via a letter -- including the fact that Triste had detected him as undead, but the familiar was destroyed on the trip to the fort.
  • Upon reaching about 1/2 mile outside the fort, we respectively asked him to wait with 2 of the team members [Aceso/Lucius], while the other two team members [Tide/Triste] made their way into the fort to provide the information to the commanders. Mission was changed from ally with the Marquis to *don't die* and try to determine where his allegiances lie (is he an ally of Elriza?), but only after all members take a long rest in the camp. The two members also inquired with the Jim(s) about potential items to use as a potential bet (just incase), and were provided with a possible option. Axos was also contacted in the fort for additional insight, and provided guidance that under no circumstance should you attempt to intervene with the pixie, unless you want to lose your soul and then die.
  • While the two members were at the fort, the two team members with the Marquis, had two of the Jim(s) appear at the tent. The Jim(s) confirmed he was a Muse, definitely a vampire, but potentially not a Marquis (unsure on this fact).
  • The "Marquis" was convinced that the fort wasn't expecting such as an important guest, and respectively, if could stay outside at his current position south of the fort overnight, with plans to meetup with the team the next day. He agreed, but only after taking another bottle of Carol off of Tide, who had it hidden under his cloak, and didn't immediately produce it upon asking if there was more of the alcoholic drink. Rapport may have been strained slightly, but was still intact.
  • All members returned to camp for the night.
  • Beware of the vampire / possible Marquis just south of the camp.
  •   *A1* During our interactions with the Marquis throughout the day, the following information was procured:
  • He claims to be a Muse from the Seelie Court
  • He claims his sister is crazy
  • He claims he's been in this title for 20-30 years - "since(?) city was shifted in the spell plague"
  • Unimaginably strong -- The Carol Drink seemed to do "damage" to him, and he only enjoyed it the more
  • Undead, a vampire according to the Jim(s), a Muse (mentioned himself and by the Jim(s))
  • Grants inspiration [did so to Aceso]
  • Can levitate, produce a tent/shelter magically
  • Flesh regrows in an instant
  • He claim's it's not always this dark
  • Said wolves are more trouble than they are worth, but people don't listen to him
  • There is a hierarchy to the titles in this land: baron > viscount > marquess > duke
  • Potentially another higher ranked person is in the area, but this is pure conjecture
  • He claims he recently "lost his own right to be at his own home" [also called it a manor]
  • Lost it to a pixie; unknown name
  • Pixie showed up from opening a book
  • Made a deal/wager to gain incredible power on win or would loss access to his house and lost to the pixie; convoluted dice game - none of the common games known to the team members were the correct one