Axo’s First Adventure

Operation Parameters

Date 1492 DR, 24 Flamerule
  • Varis
  • Araza
  • Ayula
  • Aujirgix
  • All Available Hands at the Fort
Casualties Jaryk

Operation Details

Araza, Ayula, Aujirgix and myself took Axo on what was suppose to be a simple adventure. He provided a list of 40 things that he would like to do. Out of the 40 requests we assisted in the completion of 18. Before leaving the camp Axo took Ayula what he called “skydiving” and quickly found out that the flowers in front of the merchant’s area were something that shouldn’t be smelled or touched. As the group left to find a bear to wrestle or a dragon to speak to, they ran into a vine creature that was dispatched of that almost consumed Aujirgix. We then followed some foot prints that went to a swampy area where we noticed a huge dragon skeleton. Axo tried talking to the skeleton in Draconic which made some creatures come from the water and a black dragon fly towards the group. We successfully hid from the dragon and quickly left the area. We started to make our way back and came upon a riff where there was magma around it. Noticing floating armor Aujirgix and myself went to investigate what it was. As we got closer it turned out to be a fire elemental. Aujirix looked into the riff and tried jumping into it. I would recommend not doing that. With the help of Ayula, he didn't get the chance to fall into the riff of magma. The fire elemental looked at us, however allowed us to leave as Axo waved at it.     As I am new to the area accidentally brought the group to the village of Cobh where Axo tried talking to a child. The child screamed thinking he was a demon and Aujirgix grabbed him and started to leave the village. Axo made a dragon noise for the village to hear because he was called a demon and it called the black dragon that was seen up north earlier that day. The group ran back to the village to get assistance from the camp to fight this dragon and save the village. With the help of an additional 13 soldiers and Araza staying behind because she did not want to fight, we were able to dispose of the dragon receiving about 14,000 GP of material from this dragon. Jaryk was killed by the dragon’s acid breath.