Ley Lines

The ley lines of Ayinel are the lifeblood of the world's magic, channels of arcane energy that crisscross the land. These lines were created during a monumental event known as the Siphoning Ascension, a grand endeavor by the Magisterium to harness and redirect the Weave's power. This manipulation brought about significant changes to the accessibility and flow of magic across Ayinel.  

Creation of the Ley Lines: The Siphoning Ascension

During the Siphoning Ascension, the Magisterium reached into the Weave and began to redirect its flow, creating concentrated streams of magical energy known as ley lines. This act of arcane engineering enabled the Magisterium to fuel their floating cities and consolidate their power. However, it also had profound consequences for the world below, restricting access to magic for those not within proximity to these lines .  

The Effects of Ley Lines on Magic

Proximity to ley lines significantly influences the practice of magic. While being near a ley line can enhance a spellcaster's abilities by providing a direct source of arcane energy, it can also inhibit magic in unexpected ways. The intense concentration of energy can overwhelm unprepared spellcasters, causing their spells to become unstable or fizzle out. This dual nature makes ley lines both a boon and a potential hazard for magic users.  

The Sight and Ley Line Manipulation

The emergence of individuals with The Sight, the ability to perceive ley lines, revolutionized the understanding and use of these mystical pathways. These individuals can see the shimmering trails of ley lines and manipulate their energy. This capability allowed for the development of advanced magical techniques and technologies, further integrating ley lines into the fabric of Ayinel's society.