Llewyrr (HLEH-weer)

Before the return of Lady Ordalf, and even before Ffolk or Northlander trod the soil of Gwynneth, the Llewyrr elves made the island their home. In modern times, the Llewyrr elves moved to a corner of the island they call Synnoria and became isolationists. They masked the beautiful city of Chrysalis beneath a veil of illusions, hiding themselves away from all others.    


  Centuries ago, the Llewyrr were moon elves dwelling in the verdant woodland known today as Neverwinter Wood. They fled the destruction of the Crown Wars by sailing across the sea, seeking the fabled isle of Evermeet.   A fierce storm forced the refugees to make landfall on the Moon Shaes, where they met the leShay. The leShay permitted the Llewyrr to settle among the mountains of Gwynneth.  


  Unlike many elves, the Llewyrr don’t worship Corellon Larethian or the Seldarine. Instead, the Llewyrr venerate the Earthmother, her children, and archfey who watch over the islands. Since the fey arrival in the Moon Shaes, the Llewyrr have sworn fealty to High Lady Ordalf of Sarifal.  


  Llewyrr possess the same physical attributes as their moon elf ancestors, except that the Llewyrr have snow white skin and golden hair. They are traditionally vegetarians, eschewing all meat.