Path To Caer Callidyr

Operation Parameters

Date 1492 DR, 21 Flamerule
  • Tempest
  • Cora
  • Bishop
  • Forge
  • Shallan
Casualties None

Operation Details

Our group elected to escort Ambassador Vett and Mustang through the woods to the north to avoid the dangerous cities along the road to the east.   As we walked, Cora's dog alerted us to something on our east. Shallan and I investigated and located a clearing with a single large tree in the center. All of the plant life around the tree was withered and dead, and the blight appeared to be slowly spreading outwards. We took note, returned to the party and continued on.   Further north, we encountered three werewolves who served the goddess Shar. Though we dispatched them quickly, their bodies released strange purple mist that seemed to affect Bishop. For a moment, he turned on us, managing to land a blow on me before snapping out of it. Forge touched one of the wolves' blood and his arm became rusted in that spot. The one werewolf who returned to humanoid form carried nothing, and was heavily tattooed with motifs of Shar.   Upon entering the city of Caer Callidyrr, we briefly passed through a shanty town and gave food to some beggar children. We reached the castle, where only Shallan and I escorted Ambassador Vett inside at the request of the guards.   The Ambassador successfully established relations with the King, planning to begin trade and assist with eradicating the vampiric forces of the forest. The King refused Vett's offer of 1000 platinum.   We went to the marketplace to purchase new supplies (and the most amazing stuffed toy I have ever seen), then went to a tavern for some food and a night's rest. Also, I'm pretty sure I'm best friends with Mustang now.   We decided to name our group The Mustang Brigade in honor of our favorite goat, and returned to base without incident, once again passing through the woods as opposed to risking the cities.