The Mistress of Lies

Nifsara (a.k.a. Mistress of Lies)


Enraptured with Darkness

Nifsara was once a powerful Gloura. She dwelled in the Feywilds and served the Queen of Air and Darkness of the Unseelie Court. Although she enjoyed her existence, she found herself getting frustrated with her limitations. The Fey are bound by balance and equal exchange. Even those in the Unseelie Court, no matter their insidious intentions, were caged by this requirement. Nifsara wanted more. She wanted to be able to have anything she wanted without having to trade for it.

Her desire quickly became an obsession. When she could take it no longer, she renounced her Fey ancestry and stole away to the Shadowfell. In the process, she shed her reliance on the Fey's rules, while at the same time losing much of her powers. In her eyes, it was a worthy sacrifice, as the inhabitants of the Shadowfell served her purposes much better than those in the Feywilds

Personality and Goals

Mistress of Lies

The thing Nifsara enjoys the most after abandoning the Feywilds is the ability to lie. She lies about anything and everything, just for the fun of it. Spreading confusion is a game to her, a game which she finds deliciously amusing. She enjoys tempting minor fey with prospects of power and freedom, only to trap them in her realm to toy with like dolls.

She finds no remorse in broken promises and instead relishes in creating them. In her eyes, loyalty is a fool's errand. She thrives on betrayal and will seed temptations into the noblest of minds in attempts to sway them to darkness.

A Shadow of her Former Self

Nifsara is especially disgusted and ashamed of the Gloura, her former relatives. She believes that they are all blundering fools who can't see the true tragedy of their existence. She feels as if, at this point, it would be better if they were all eliminated, as they are too far gone to ever achieve what she has. She believes herself the only true example of a "clever Gloura".

The thought of the drow leaves a bad taste in her mouth. She feels as if they are "so close" to true freedom in darkness, but instead choose to hold on to their values "like children to worn-out toys." She believes they possess great wasted potential.

To her, the rules of magic that govern the Fey are restrictive and nonsensical. She believes that both the Summer and Winter Courts are full of nothing but fools and idiots that are stuck in old traditions. Every fey that she corrupts to the Shadowfell is, in her eyes, a Fey that has been freed from its chains. She, like many others of the Court of Shadows, constantly works to overthrow the balance of the Feywilds and turn it into a mirror image of the Shadowfell.

Power of a Name

Despite having shed her Fey ties, remnants of her ancestry still linger. Similar to a Fey, to have Nifsara's name is to have power over her. To call her by name is to call her back to her Fey heritage, thus stripping away the freedoms she gained by abandoning it and rendering her unable to lie.

Nifsara was careful to erase her name from history as effectively as she could. She will never give out her name freely to anyone. It is uncertain if even her fellow Fallen Archfey of the Shadow Court know her true name. She gleefully addresses herself as her many aliases or any number of other flattering nicknames that she deems appropriate. To ask for Nifsara's name would result in unrestrained fury.

Divine Classification
Fallen Archfey
Chaotic Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Princess of Shadows, Mistress of Lies, The Lying Fairy
Current Residence
The Shadowfell
Coal black
Long, ink black, curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sickly pale
5' 1"
Aligned Organization

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