Yemildir (Haram's Oak) Settlement in Solum | World Anvil
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Yemildir (Haram's Oak)

Yemildir, also known as Haram's Oak in common, is not a name for a city or a town; it's the name of the sacred tree of the elves. Around it, there is a large forest with elven buildings and architecture. Therefore the 'Capital of the elves' isn't a city, it's merely a nameless settlement spread around the presence of the majestic tree.   Yemildir is not an easy place to navigate around for the unfamiliar visitor. On the outskirts of the forest there are wineries and other agricultural areas, but to see most of the settlement, one must venture deeper into the forest. After a rougher patch of forest with barely any infrastructure, you arrive at a clearing; here you can find the closest thing to a city in Yemildir's proximity. Hundreds of elven buildings of varying sizes and purposes, moonstone lit bridges over small streams and rivers, modest waterfalls in a very close to nature space circling the inner area. Very idyllic. In the very middle of it all rests the sacred oak, Yemildir. At ground level, the massive oak has a hollow centre, where the Sanctuary to Iphine can be found. Above that, branches reach out to the skies. Atop the highest branch, appearing seemingly out of thin air, a single stream of water begins its journey to all around the forest. It is said that this water originates from Iphine's realm itself.


Almost entirely elves. About half of the 20,000 live in the village circling the sacred tree and the other half are scattered in and around the forest surrounding it. Back in the day before the events after the Great War the human and dwarven demographics were about 10% each.


The sacred tree is named after Haram.
Location under
Owning Organization
The Devious Dwarf, The Crystal Leaf   Magic institutes
Small ones for almost all schools of magic scattered about the village area   Churches/Deities worshipped
Sanctuary to Iphine, Elven goddess of Nature

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