Selkies Building / Landmark in Solus Dynasty | World Anvil
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Welcome to Selkies Kingdom Market

  Here, you can (not always will) find all the Raw & Created Wares, located throughout the entire Kingdom, as well as the Raw & Created Wares that are specifically from the Capital Region of SiTara. You may even find some Rare Wares.   All members (except children) are allowed to Purchase from the Kingdom Market Stalls, but only those appointed specifically by the Aios-Dana, with the proper Degrees, are able to work and Sell from the Kingdom Market Stalls.   Selkies Market is known for it's vast array of Raw and Created Wares, but is also well known for it's theives as well. Those visiting Selkies are warned to be mindfull of the Rats and Mice that populate this Region.     Location   Selkies is located in the Capital's Hub. SiTara is bustling with activity, so this GC is sectioned as a door Portal, in the NLK Wynter's Castle GC, on the IMVU Platform. This GC is Open and Public, although highly monitored. You are able to search for this specific GC in the IMVU Search, or by simply clicking the url room link attached to the Selkies Market icon, on the SiTara Map. This link will take you directly to the IMVU Kingdom Market GC, so long as you have IMVU on the device used.       Stalls   There are many Stalls inside Selkies Market.       NPC Vendor vs. Member Vendor   While the Selkies Market GC is built to accomodate the roleplay itself using NPC's, the Fiscus is where the transactions actually occur and this requires Member Vendors. So how are Purchases conducted in Selkies?   First, NPC's are the appointed Vendors for the Selkies Kingdom Market, but the actual Sell goes through the Aios-Dana, who manages the Kingdom Fiscus. So while roleplays are cunducted in the IMVU GC, the actual business is conducted in the SHVTR Fiscus. This does not mean the Aios-Dana needs to be present in the RP for the roleplay of transaction to occur, however. Because the Vendors of Selkies are NPC, they can be played out, by the member. The personalities and description of these NPC's are under their respective Stall's icon, on the SiTara Map, just as they are for each of the Regions. Members are asked to keep to the NPC's storyline, character and demeanor when writting for them and are encouraged to reach out if they have any questions or concerns about a particular NPC, before writting on their behalf.     Transactions   In order to complete a transaction in Selkies Kingdom Market, a member must first know if the items they seek are available. You can go to the Fiscus Tab on SHVTR to easily see what is available from individuals. The Selkies Market Vendors will be listed as NPC Characters under Members (In SHVTR), so they will have their own account in the Kingdom Fiscus. These NPC Vendors will be listed as characters under the Aios-Dana, unless another member has been appointed to represent the NPC. This does not apply for Region Markets, as the Vendors for each Stall in Region Markets are individual members. There are no NPC's for Region Markets, and each of their transaction will go through the respective Stall's Owner. If the Stall is owned by the Fiscus, the Region's Phylarch will appoint management to a member, over that specific Stall.   On the SHVTR Fiscus Tab, you will notice an "Actions" section (on the Right side). This section dictates what you want to do when it comes to a specific item in the Kingdom's Fiscus. Clicking on the HAND icon, indicates to the Vendor that you want this item. Roleplay is then required, to determine the amount you will be Purchasing from that Vendor. Please note that some items may be available through multiple Vendors. When you are selecting the item, make sure you also have the correct Vendor, or your transaction may be denied. You will post your MTRP (Market Transaction Roleplay) first to the Vendor (via Crow). Once the Vendor (or Aios-Dana) reply's with accepted, you may post your MTRP to your character's SHVTR Journal. Once the post is submitted, your transaction will be considered completed.
Market square

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