Solus dynasty Inaguration of Royals
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Inaguration of Royals

Diplomatic action

28/12 21:00
28/12 22:00

The Battle of Dagda was fierce and tiresome. Many died, giving their lives fighting for the UnCourted they believed were foretold as Rulers of Tir Na Nog. Because Seven Kingdoms had come together, to the aid of Lux and Wryn in their vanquishment of Dagda's rule over the Realm, the Court Elders carved their Family Name into the Era Stone; while Wryn gave birth and Lux lay unconscious.

Screams in the tent   As his shape disappeared, just past the gate, she fell to the ground. Exhaustion and relief both circled through her being. Suddenly, a sharp pain exceeds her excitement, and liquid begins to fall from between her thighs like an open water duct. She clutches her stomach, at the painful source as the liquid pours out upon the ground. A maiden comes from the crowd that fell back, behind her and her husband; before he had run ahead, to the great castle of Dagda. She falls next to Wryn and uses her weight to lay her back against her. As Wryn grabs her stomach, the maiden realizes what has happened and turns to some behind her, in her native tongue. "Niis! pi i g pash! t i niis!" (Come! She is with child! It is coming!)   Wryn had no idea that she had even been pregnant. She couldn't believe that she was even in labor. Yet, three others came from the crowd and whisked her off to the army's compound. Throughout their journey, Wryn passed in and out of consciousness. When they arrived, she was escorted into a large tent with green fabric. Being hoisted from the gurney to the bed jolted her back to consciousness and she beckoned the nearest creature, to ask where her husband was. The lion-faced creature, stood over her, holding onto her hand, though she didn't know it at the time, and told her, he didn't know.   While screams filled the air of the tent and surrounding compound, Elders came together, in another tent. They knew, because of legends foretold by Ancients, that Lux would defeat Dagda. They spoke of his greatness and agreed unanimously that, provided the griffin bring him back alive, he would be Ruler of the entire Realm. The Elder Shimore, of the UnSeelie Court, pulled a box from beneath his cloak and opened it to remove a stone. This stone, known to all as the Era Stone, was glowing. It seemed to already know what was to happen before most others did.   As the stone pulsated a bright blue-green swirl, Shimore lifted his hand and declared, "If he is alive, his Family Name will burn into this stone."   He pulled the stone back down and lifted his finger to its smooth top. Writing with the essence of his Title, energy that manifested as a beam of bright blue light, from the tip of his pointer. As he moved the finger above the stone, beam following, letters turned, "PAXTON", into a burned Royal Family Name. The letters glowed with red and orange, setting deep into the stone. As the colors faded to black and grey, the Family Name remained. The counsel of Elder gathered around the Era Stone, gazing upon the name in amazement, just as a maiden burst into the tent.   "Pi has dluga birth de ah girl. Pi trian umd tilb Wynter." [I]She has given birth to a girl. She will call her Wynter. Shimore smiled and looked over the counsel with it beaming. Closing his finger into his palm, extinguishing the beam, he said, "Well let us go congratulate them."