Solus dynasty Battle of Dagda
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Battle of Dagda

Life, Death

28/12 12:00
28/12 20:00

The Battle of Dagda lasted 8 hours and ended with the beheading of the UnSeelie dictator of Tir Na Nog. Court Elders came together, on the 21st hour of that evening, during Wryn Paxton's labor, and inaugurated both her and her husband as appointed Rulers of the Realm. Since neither were technically present for the official inauguration (Wryn in labor and Lux unconscious), the Elders of the Courts marked this in an Era Stone. Upon waking, Lux was greeted by his new daughter and declared King of the Realm. Directly after the birth of the UnCourted hybrid Princess, King Lux named their home and Kingdom; NereidLykandos, after the birthplace of both Royal Heads.

Wynter Is Coming

    The battlefield lay silent; for it was then a burial ground of the unburied. Corpses spread throughout the buttercups and daisies and the sun began to sink in the horizon; its dying light refracting through the clouds, releasing a golden amber color over the Land. The wind blew, but somewhere mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters waited in vain. These Light, Dark, and Shadow creatures, once children playing in the yard with sticks and laughing at each other's silly tales, were now meat for the crows. Their eyes were as immobile as their limbs. Their souls had lamented to the celestial planes, to walk with their forefathers. Dagda's Dark Army was near the brink of defeat. The Phantom Queen, Morrigan, lay dead in the ever-green field. She and her horde of Dark Fae were subjugated by the Paxton's Shadow Army. Nine Deities along with a hundred thousand Fae from all Courts followed the command of these two distinctive individuals. One; a Fae of both Seelie and Unseelie decent, the other, her Lycan mate.   Wryn stood in the middle of the battlefield and beside her, stood her husband. She held onto his hand as they gazed at the great castle ahead of them, "Let's go end this" he placed his free hand against her cheek, "I want you to stay. Our people need someone to lead them, my love.". Struck by shock; she landed a slight punch against his metal chest plate, from which he grunted, she buried her face in his chest, "What if I never see you again?". He smiled, "It will be a fitting death then, for I do not intend to die in my bed as an old wolf. Remember, I will always love you. In this life and all others.". With that, he parted from his wife.   Blood trickled from the edges of the metal plates in Lux's armor. Pain disseminated towards the rest of his body, yet he endured it, for the battle was not yet won. Taking a moment to study the castle of the tyrant King, he noticed it had walls made of Obsidian. Beyond this wall was a vast courtyard that led to a tower constructed from chiseled marble. At the very top housed a dome of glass, where inside, stood the great Dagda. He clutched onto the lorg mór with both of his hands, striking the marbled floor with the end that brought forth life. The top end of the staff surged a sharp blue light, shooting upwards through the crest and dispersing to the sky. It was Dagda's final attempt to revive his now-dead soldiers. Pax gritted his teeth and glared at his nemesis with pure hatred before dashing towards the iron gates of the castle that remained wide open. The Stronghold stayed vacant, showing no signs of life anywhere. All that remained were carcasses of freshly decaying flesh, which flies now buzzed and settled upon. At the entrance, Pax was confronted by the river goddess Boann. She stood valiantly, in order to protect her lover.   "I have come to claim the life of the King.", Pax declared to her. Boann gave him a cold, icy glare from her intensely blue eyes. Without free will, Dagda had always taken advantage of her. She had only known to defend and serve him. She wailed at Pax, "Over my dead body!"   He quickly realized that by fighting her, he wouldn’t have enough strength to fight Dagda, and concluded that the only solution was to attack her emotionally. “So this is a mother’s love for her child?", he began with a smirk. "Have you forgotten about Aengus? How embarrassing it would’ve been for him to not inherit Dagda’s lands? You proudly defend your King, but does or has he honored you in any shape or form?!", he yelled at the River goddess, who now stood awe-struck.   As he bawled, droplets of spit landed on her cheeks. His words questioned her morals. It questioned who and what she was. She was a Light Fae and realized she had been running away from her purpose. Her eyes, bloodshot red from tearing up, whispered, " Well said child... Well said... " She moved to the side, clearing the way to the tower. Pax paused for a bit, thinking to himself, "Did that just work?" Boann Nodded at him with a soft smile, scrubbed her tears, and the spit off of her face with her sleeve. His lips curled at their ends to display a small smile," I will free you all, and I will give you and your son the land you two deserve. "   With that, he darted into the tower, climbed up the spiral stairs, and stopped as he reached the top. Ahead of him stood the 8-foot Dark-fae. In his right hand, he carried the uaithne, an ornate harp carved of oak. This harp placed the seasons in the proper order and command the wills and emotions of men and in his left, he carried the lorg mór. Pax lifted his sword to point the tip at him, "Your petty magics do not work on me, you fat, piece of shit!"   Dagda grinned, from ear to ear. His body began to glow a bright white. The light blinded Pax until it faded and Dagda was gone. In his place were now two new individuals. One was a woman in her late twenties: She had a good-natured face, wore a long black dress with a crown encrusted in sapphires. She appears as a Queen he had once loved. This figure was Remedy but, oddly her eyes were pitch black, no pupils; just pure blackness. The other woman was adorned in a warrior's clad. She tilted her head to a side and looked at Pax. She had a broad smile on her face and her features were much similar to Pax's; as were her nose and jaw. They had identical silky, white hair, but this stranger had eyes that were pitch black. Ironically, Remedy carried the uaithne, while the stranger carried the lorg mór. The stranger spread her petite arms wide open to call Pax into them, "We finally meet... My sweet boy. ". Oo Could it be? Or is this nothing but an illusion?oO   Pax was shocked; part happy, part sad. he saw the woman he loved along with his mother, whom he had never met. His mother, Princess Amira, glanced at Remedy; the unusual smile never left from her face, "I've met Queen Remedy and learned a great deal about you."   She then turned to look at him, "She seems to be a great woman. Much better than Wryn! I'll tell you what! I will arrange your wedding with Remedy. Wryn will never find out."   Pax furrowed his brows and looked at the figure of Remedy and saw that she too was smiling at what Amira had said. Oo Why would Remedy be happy about doing something so dirty? When it was her spirit that wanted Pax to look after Wryn and take responsibility for her? oO   He looked again at their pitch-black eyes. Amira, at this point, grew impatient and had begun taking slow steps towards him. The closer she got, the further he stepped backward. What seemed to be a loving smile was then a face of immense aggression. She lifted the lorg mór while leaping, spinning it in mid-air to strike him with the end as she landed. The base of the great staff came to hit him. As a last act of defense, he raised the sword to block the lorg mór from ending his life. The collision was massive amongst the two weapons and the blade shattered into a million fragments. As it splintered outward, it dispersed into the air like the wisps from kindling. This gave Pax enough time to roll off to the side. He bore only half of what remained of his sword, and with that, he took the opportunity to plunge the blade into the side of one half of Dagda.   Amira howled with pain and snarled at her son. Her canines and incisors grow outwards as if she was transitioning. He looked up to her as she took the stab to the side, "You are not my mother. "   With that, he pushed the blade towards her bowels, made a clean cut across her lower abdominals, and down-dropped an enormous lump of intestines. The lorg mór slipped from her hand and landed against the ground. The fall caused a flow of wind to hit the walls of the glass dome, collapsing what remained of the tower save the railings. The wind also sent Pax soaring over the edge of the tower.   On his opposite side stood the other half of Dagda, in the form of Remedy. He made a great effort to lift his bruised and battered body from the ground, while still on his knees. She looked pale and thin as if physically, she too was drained. She walked to him and helped him to his feet. He leaned against her petite body and, she whispered into his ear, "Kiss me! Don't deny your love for me, my sweet wolf."   He looked at her with daydreamy eyes and placed his right hand against her upper abs; just below her breastbone. His left hand curled against her back as he held onto her. The nails of his right hand lengthened and dug inside her soft skin as he forced his hand inside her chest. Using his powerful vigor, he broke into the figure's ribcage with the last bit of strength he had left and clutched the ice-cold heart that sent chills up his entire right arm. She grabbed ahold of his neck with both of her hands as she writhed in sizeable pain, "You will never overcome me, Aagh!!!". Her words were cut short before she could finish, as he pulled the heart from the cavity he'd formed.   “And you won’t ever be….my Remedy.” Her hands loosened their grip around his throat and she fell limply in his bucksome arms. The crystal-ice heart slipped from his hand and landed on the marbled floor, bounced off of the edge and into the ever-green of the battlefield. The moment it landed on the ground it froze all around its circumference, including the blood-stained blades of grass. This marked the birth of the Winter solstice. Pax laid on the roofless tower as what looked like little flakes of snow began to fall around him. A rather painful giggle fell from his mouth. “I think… my time has come.” With that, Pax lost consciousness. At that moment, hope fluttered powerful wings across the sky and one of the great battle griffins descended to his aid, clasping Pax between talons safely and flying him back to the tents; where the remainder of the Shadow Army lay recovering from the victorious battle.

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