Drek'Thar'Mabinogi Organization in Soma | World Anvil
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Drek'Thar'Mabinogi is the Dwarven Drek'Thar for the collective body of Dwarves living in the country of Augustford. It takes its name not from the modern nation but from its ancient antecedent, the now defunct tribal kingdom of Mabinogi.   The mountainous climes of Augustford have proven quite appealing to Dwarves, who have created a tidy industry seeking mineral wealth beneath their surface. The generally stern and reserved dwarves often kind kindred spirits in the individualistic and rugged Augustfordian shepherd folk who inhabit the highlands and hills. Dwarves of Drek'Thar'Mabinogi are almost immediately identifiable to other dwarves, and even attentive outsiders, because of the luxurious woolen lining of their leathers and armor, magically enhanced to reject all form of dust, soot and dirt.

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