The Great North Wood Geographic Location in Soma | World Anvil
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The Great North Wood

The Great North Wood is a massive sprawling old-growth forest in Northern Karnes . The Wood owes its prodigious size and depth to the presence of The God-Stone, known as the Cycle-Stone, hidden within its depths. The massive white stone is carved into a mind-bending mosaic of natural and arcane imagery. Its power radiates throughout the wood, fostering the cycle of life, death, growth and renewal. The North Tribes, as they are collectively called, are a nomadic network of Human Barbarians. Over centuries the tribes have developed unique cultures, some becoming experts at stealth and ambush hunting, others embracing druidic magic and yet others fostering away of life akin to a barbarian warrior-cult. The best known tribe to outsiders are the Thunderwalker tribe, shepherds, trainers and hunters of the huge reptilian Thunderlizards and Megafauna that roam the wood and the plains. While most of the tribes roam with the seasons and cycles of the Wood, only one tribe maintained permanent residence. Almost completely unknown to any outsiders, this Stonemoot tribe served as priests and guardians for the Cycle-Stone, maintaining it as a place of worship and power for all the tribes. A decade ago they were cruelly slain by a massive shock invasion by the horrific Dark Elf tribes of Nebuchar. The reason for the assault was never determined and almost no Stonemeet tribe members survived. Dozens of stark white and red eyed Dark Elf corpses were found in a perfect ring around the Cycle-Stone. The Theia Commerce Group has attempted to press their expanded logging and mineral rights upon the Wood but the Northern tribes have successfully, if bloodily, held them at bay for a decade.
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