The Slabs Organization in Soma | World Anvil
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The Slabs

The Slabs are the largest and most powerful tribe of the Barbarian clans of the Pandoran Mountains. Slab lore holds that the tribe was founded at the creation of Soma, tasked with protecting a holy magical power buried deep within the mountain. This one duty is the singular and central aspect of Slab living. Their cultivated air of violence and strength is a direct result of this ancient pledge of guardianship.   Slabs are kratocratic, with the reigning Slab King being the strongest member of the tribe as proven through single combat. This power is held only tenuously though. Slabs are notoriously independently minded and even interpret direct orders through a unique lens and latitutde.   Together with their barbarian brethren The Scarlet, the Slabs enforce a kind of rough peace in the Pandoran Mountains and its immediate surroundings. This mostly involves occasional punitive efforts against the mad and unruly Sykoss tribe and its members. Slabs are known to trade with merchants and travelers and utilize many imported goods. For the most part, Slabs do not produce much of anything execpt for Inscrutable Meat and more Slabs. To sustain this lifestyle, more adventurous and independent Slabs are contracted out as adventurers and mercenaries, sending back coin to their families and clans.   Recently, the Slabs have become fervent enemies of The Theia Commerce Group after their thwarted takeover of the Pandorans. Despite eventually driving them out, Theia was successful in destroying the ancient Seal beneath the mountain, violating the Slabs ancient oath of guardianship. This has brought the Slabs fully into The Resistance war effort, particularly under the organization of their previous and once again Slab King.   Slab battle tactics are both incredibly simplistic and brutally overwhelming. Using their incredible physical strength and their fighting skills cultivated through a daily regimen of brutal training battles, the Slabs simply charge out and pummel their opponents to death with whatever blunt objects are at hand. Or failing that, with their hands. If there is a particularly sturdy barrier involved, Slabs engage in what they consider advanced warfare, deploying aged barrels of Inscrutable Meat as a highly effective form of explosive.
Controlled Territories

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