
With this Essence, the user is able to utilize Ateleo essence in order to create and manipulate black holes, a region of space-time where gravity prevents anything, including light, from escaping. With this, the wielder can control the size of their black holes, and move it around in space to suck up anything and everything in it's path. Through the use of a Gravitational Singularity, the victim will be ripped to shreds when they enter one of the user's black holes as their body would be stretch apart to a point of compression, causing a lot of pain and suffering.
If Gyro is the 'release' of Ateleo, to describe Atleo is that of creating a crushing force that is nearly instant death to creatures who can not get out of the way feasibly. The only known individual who actively uses Ateleo is Shis' underlings, more so primarily an individual known as 'Greed', a Venthyr who is known to have the desire to consume all for herself.   Individuals who desire to wield Ateleo should be aware, they will come head to head with maker-related allies to attempt to get ahold of one of these Essence Crystals.