
Rarely seen and rarely mastered, the Chrono essence is the usage of time and how to wield it both as a weapon and a shield. To part the veils of time and see the future is one thing, to break, mend and use it is another. Chrono essence users devote their time to studying the ebb and flow of time, its uses and what threatens it. Their studies of the substance of Chrono have proven invaluable in ascertaining its uses and applications, and many are convinced it can have body altering effects as well. Overall, their numbers are few.
The dangers of wielding Chrono comes from a place within the Dreamlands called Tindalos, a supposed place that exists outside of time proper, and the seal of time what so ever. The creatures of Tindalos are said to hunt creatures non native to their plane which include time travlers and those who mess with the 'Flow of Time'.   This does not include spells like Haste, or Slow, but rather transposing someones self backward or forward in the 'tapestry' of time' or bouncing ones self between multiple timelines. The most common of which is the Hounds of Tindalos, horrifying and otherworldly creatures that lack explanation and form.   When choosing to advance after a Chrono essence crystal, think very carefully if your natural enemies being alerted to a upper hand advantage.