
Ice Essence is one of the more hazardous types of Primordial Magic that anyone can use. But its power in being used in a balanced form of attack and defense is quickly useful when used correctly. Especially when used in cold environments that allow it to be almost impossible to beat if properly mastered.  
  Ice Essence is one of the two balanced types of Divine Essences that are known for its ability to be used in attack and defense. Its form is easy to take shape at will and it is solid enough to block and damaged objects. But is only restricted by the imagination of the user that allows itself to be fully exploited. There is also the matter of ice essence in general as it has been known to cause harm to those who cast it as the cold temperatures tend to cause them to suffer the effects of frostbite and hypothermia after prolonged exposure. Though this can be remedied through training techniques and magic items to protect them from these dangers. But ice essence also can be greatly affected by the environment it is in as well as cold temperatures are more preferable to warmer ones as they become weakened and not for as long. Making many who master the essence make their dwellings in colder climates become more powerful that way. Though most people consider ice essence too dangerous as it can get out of control if the users lose control causing them to take a more stoic lifestyle to ensure their emotions do not take over.   Divine Ice Essence is something that no one should ever underestimate as it is the harbinger of winter itself. To have a nice summer day turn into a frozen hell is not an experience anyone wants. To face some who use it means they will face a power that very few can properly face on their own. For Cryo is unrelenting as it is merciless to whatever comes into its reach and it will take the life out of any living thing it touches. Its ability to take shape and the speed it spreads is also something to deal to take note of. For even the mightiest of foes will often fall to the fight of the merciless cold that to sap away at their strength and suck the life out of them as if they were already dead.