
Since the Garden, we have toiled away at a future together. No matter how far apart our races become we are still United as one. The Crystal elves will one day be reunited.
— Seren; 'The Monarch'

The long lived and aloof Crysiilsin Elves have a deep macabre and morose history. Elves are often depicted with awe and jealousy, but most elves that live truly long lives wither away at just how much sorrow a single life can hold. Most Crysiilsin Elves were wanderers, traders, or adventurers, living wherever their skills would find them welcome or simply being nomadic. During the 'Imperium age' within the Vale, kingdoms arose dedicated to them, but these kingdoms would serve to be massive intricate trade hubs with crystal technology.


Crysiilsin Elves had a pair of beautiful crystal horns atop their head, with clawed fingers, brightly colored skin, and long thin tails made of the same crystal that their horns were made out of. The tail could move flexibly with plating, while the horns could not. They would also have a pair of elongated fangs, and ear length would range between four, to ten inches. Some Crystal Elves would have 'extra' features, such as wing like appendages (like the wind elves) that would unfurl when irritated on their heads, and certain Ash elves could blind others by exhaling a special throat pouch which grinded grit. Special Sea Elves could communicate at length with large bodies of water itself as if it was a sentient creature, and certain Earth Elves could transform passively into their enviroment, and possess crystaline 'leaf like' growths over their shoulders which when vibrated could cloak them from view. It was thought these features were a link to some primordial common 'proto ancestor' of Lazarus' creation.


Like most creatures of The Vale, the magic of the Crysiilsin were runic based. It was only when the truth of the Demiurges' purpose reached the people through intense research, did Lazarus destroy The Vale. Catapaulting the survivors that were brought by Avernus into himself, and then proceedingly Avernus handing them off to a bright young minded Maker Dragon named Apollyon.

The Crysiilsin were prideful in an area of study, and would generally playfully fight over games of wits, and one up one another as they could. Rarely were they are a race known for violence, but they always seemed to be just charming enough to quell issues between the other races native to The Vale.


The Earth Elven kingdoms were made of green and brown crystals to which their people would reflect, with large spiraling 'Gem Trees' that would entertwine with the walkways of their homes. Their modes of transportation were generally the fauna, and they had a very 'druidic' feel to them. Some of the oldest recorded druidic practices can be brought back to the Epinae, the Earth Elves.

The Wind Elven Kingdoms were made at the highest peaks, or made atop of clouds, in purple, blue, white, and green crystals, to which their people would reflect. It was through this lifestyle they had developed beautiful sets of crystalline wings to show off and impress. They often were the biggest showmen of the elven civilization, with perhaps several superiority complexes worth of pride. The 'dishonored' Avriel individuals, would be banished to live among the lowlands of the kingdoms. To become dishonored within Wind Elven society could be as simple as failing to impress elites in whatever study or craft you mastered in. This elitism would continue to compound until they broke apart post-conria into the 'Fellavine' race.

The Kalkatesh/Sea Elven Kingdoms spired up from the deepest trenches, miles to the surface, before they would bloom out of the mountain appearing similar to eldritch looking sea anemone architecture. Their kingdoms were made of blue, teal, green, and gray crystals, which would be reflected onto their people. They were thought to be the most organized back in the day, with a high emphasis on grand military displays. When they hosted parades, they could command the very weather to bend to their will (much to the dismay of wind elves), and had a natural expression of soul which manifested in beautiful crystalline water horses called 'Kelpies.'


Ifrit, or Ash Elves, were split straight down the middle. Half of the population (generally the common class) were loud, boistrious, and friendly. While the upper class, were stealthy, calculated, sly, and infinately charming. It was warned back in the day that 'Ifrit Charms would sway even the toughest hearts'. Ifrit Elves lived far under the surface of the world, with kingdoms looking much different to their kin, of red, orange, and black which manifested in their people as well. The only issue that seemed to plague them is their internal conflicts. Consistently, did Ifrit Elven civil wars come to blows, only to 'release steam' and cool. Their kingdoms rose and fell rapidly, and those with good sense left their homelands long ago to immigrate into other Crysillsin cultures.

There are four different types of Crysiilsin elves, which are now living on completely different worlds. The current subtypes available for play are as follows with a brief history of their existence since The Vale, and subsequently the fall of Conria;   Epinae - The Earth Elves
The Earth Elves, like all Elves of The Vale/Garden started on the planet of Elirend. However their story fell to Elysium where the blight followed them. In order to escape it, they divided again into the Rune Wilds, and a sizeable population fell to Leeshen as well. The last kingdom of Rune Wild Pureblood Epinae is thought to be hiding somewhere within the realm. Facinatingly, The Earth Elves are the only ones who have managed to push past the horrors of the Blight, and actually adapt to it, a good sizeable chunk of their poulation evolving into the race known as 'Adahlen'.
Avriel - The Wind Elves
The Wind Elves, like all Elves of the Vale/Garden started on the planet of Elirend. However their story fell to Shar'I'Sha, where a corrupt upper elitest government who would later become the Fellavine took over, forcing another divide, alongside the falling kingdom of Elysium to create the final resting place of Leeshen, where the Blight is laying, hibernating, alongside heavy Abberancy. After a recent extinction level event on Leeshen, the number of pure Wind Elves left is likely sub fifty. However most of the population of Leeshen still has 'Recessive' Wind Elven, or Earth Elven genes.
Kalkatesh - The Sea Elves
The Sea Elves, like all Elves of the Vale/Garden started on the planet of Elirend. When Elirend fell apart, they fled to the sea plane of Mithelrond. Living in a practical dictator state, heavily medicated and subservient to avoid another outbreak of the blight. They pilot giant levithian like creations to battle back invaders from their realm, and are extremely unwilling to compromise. The Sea Elves have grown apart and entered into a practical lockdown, cutting off communication with the other planets. However in this isolation, and distrust, they have been the perhaps most well off for it, coming in as being the only pureblood Crysiilsin with a sizeable population of roughly 70,000~.
Ifrit - the Ash Elves
The Ash Elves, like all Elves of the Vale/Garden started on the planet of Elirend. When Elirend fell apart, they had fled to a magma planet named Acheron. Often crossbreeding with entites like Venthyr, or fire aligned races. However during the collapse of Conria, their planet shattered again under the intense pressure of maker influence, the 'Blight' being catapaulted to the realm of Hekkarim while the 'escape pod' of the 7 levels came crashing down through space, until it collapsed into Ammeriam. The last surviving population of Ifrit/Ash Elves lays hidden likely somewhere within Ammeriam, if they still live.


Your Crysiilsin elven character has a variety of natural abilities common with your ancestry. You will also pick one of the available sub races below.

Crysiilsin Traits


Ability Score Increase Plus +2 to any stat of your choice.

Size Medium

Speed 40 ft

Weariness of Living. Whenever a companion dies, or you witness a mass loss of life (including animals or trees), or you are tormented or experience other trauma you must make a successful DC 10 Constitution saving throw. If you fail the saving throw you must choose to either (a) mark off a failed death saving throw permanently (maximum of three), or (b) take one level of exhaustion permanently, or (c) reduce your maximum hit points by 5 permanently. These conditions are permanent and may not be removed while you exist.   Keen Sight. You have expertise in the Perception skill, and your vision is so strong that, in clear daylight, you can distinguish between a sparrow and a finch from a league away (about 3 miles). You have advantage on any checks related to sight based perceptions.   Inorganic Harmonance. You can speak to crystals as if they are sentient creatures. Unless corrupted or otherwise tampered with, they will regard you as kin, and provide to you information that you may want to know. In addition, when examining gems, precious stones, or metalwork you have advantage on Intelligence checks to identify its material, its place of origin, the culture of the crafter, and what the object may have been used for.   Blessing of Mend. When regaining hit points from any effect you regain an additional number of hit points equal to your character level.  

Ancient Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put you to sleep.

  Immune to Disease. You are immune to all non-magical disease.   Social Drinker. You have advantage on Constitution saving throws against intoxication.   Primordial Soul. When you succeed on a death save, you can regain a number of hit points equal to your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier(choose when you select this race). You can’t use this trait again until you finish a long rest.   Tranced Weave Masters. You are proficient in Weaver's Tools. Crysiilsin Elves don’t need to sleep. Instead, they meditate, remaining semiconscious, for 2 hours a day. After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that other races do from 8 hours of sleep. In addition your short rests only need to occur over the span of 10 minutes rather than 1 hour. During these periods of rest, Crysiilsin could craft a object known as a Hibiol. This fabric was light, sheer, and entwined with the crafters essence to tell a story. It helps chronicle time and history, through expression of memory in ones careful craft. It was only able to be read by other Crysiilsin with ease, and often could be mistaken as multicolored scarves. These Hibiols can be as long or as short as the crafter wishes, and can be worked on even not during trances. They can be used for the purposes of a wizard's spellbook.   Diluted or Pure. Pick between Diluted or Pure. You gain that additional trait under subrace.

Languages. Common, Elturellan, Prime


Epinae / Earth Elves

Born of the natural world, who's race would become diluted into the Elturel and Adahlen of today, these individuals were stocky, and shorter than average at roughly 5-6ft tall, and generally had heavier body mass. Delighters in all things natural, they have always have had a realitvely low population in comparison to the other Garden Elves, but are surrounded with mystery and wonder of the wild lands.   Epinae / Earth Elf Traits
+2, +1 to a stat of your choice.   Earthen Training. You know the Mold Earth and Druidcraft cantrips.   Great Knowledge of Living Things. Whenever you make an Intelligence (Nature) check related to trees, herbs, plants, birds, beasts, and other natural living things, you are considered proficient in the Nature skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.   Wild Spirit. Wild beasts will not attack you unless you actively provoke them or unless they make a DC 10 Wisdom check. You have advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks involving wild and untamed animals.   Free Rider. You require no saddle, harness, or reins when riding a mount. You have the mounted combatant feat for free.   {Pure Only} Lineage's Blessings - Reclusive. Anyone trying to track you has disadvantage to their Wisdom (Survival) check, and you have advantage to Dexterity (Stealth) checks in forests and groves of trees.   {Diluted Only} Adaption. You may pick an additional trait of your choice from the following Elven Races. Eladrin, Forest Elves, or Morning Elves. Apperence wise, you do not look like a Crysiilsin, but rather the apperence of the subrace of elf you chose. Trait. Description

Avriel / Wind Elves

Often referred to as the 'Peacocks of Elves', the Wind Elves, were free spirited, proud, and an overly ambitious people. Brightly colored, outspoken, and hoitey. They would later descend into the Elturel and the Fellavine races respectively. The last remaining populations of their people lay within Leshen, in scattered amounts after a grand apocolyptic level event after the rescue of their planet.   Avriel / Wind Elf Traits
+2, +1 to a stat of your choice.   Crystal Wings. You have a beautiful set of crystal wings that can be used to show off. You have a flyspeed equal to your walking speed. As an action you can flare up these things in an area with light, causing a kelodoscopic glow to originate from you, counting as a casting of hypnotic pattern. The DC of which is equal to 10 + your proficiency modifier + your charisma / wisdom / or intelligence modifier. You can not use this ability again until taking a long rest.   Overwhelming Positivity. Your radiating personality seems to have a lasting impact on those that meet you. You are proficient in the Persuasion skill and may double your proficiency bonus when making a Persuasion skill check on a creature that is currently in a negative emotional state such as depression or anger.   Artisan Tool Proficiency. You have proficiency with one set of artisan's tools of your choice. This is your 'craft'. You gain a constant 1d4 guidance when making checks involving your craft. (Leathersmiths tools mean you are guidanced when you are performing an action to repair leather armor, or craft leather armor, for instance.)   The Guardian's Pact. You can capture 'Guardians' from Leshen and keep more on you than any other creature could hope to wield. Unlike the standard {1} you may carry and wield up to {3} creatures from Leshen. Only one of these creatures may be deployed in combat at a time.   {Pure Only} Lineage's Blessings - Crystal Tailfeathers. You can as a reaction for when a creature declares an attack while within 10-feet of you that is not against yourself, use your tail to throw off the attacker (by either distracting or tripping them up with your tail) making them roll the attack with disadvantage. You must use this feature before knowing whether the attack hits or misses. You may use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier per long rest.   {Diluted Only} Adaption. You may pick an additional trait of your choice from the following Elven Races. Mountain Elves, Star Elves, Snow Elves. Apperence wise, you do not look like a Crysiilsin, but rather the apperence of the subrace of elf you chose.

Kalkatesh / Sea Elves

Militant, brutal, yet enticing, the Sea Elves were covered in bioluminescent markings, and found themselves on coast sides rarely, but whenever they did they were met with a practicaly flood of bioluminescent algae dredged up from the deep sea in the coastal afternoons and nights, giving them the look of the night sky or void. Populations of their race would later descend down into the Elturel. The 'elegant arts' like fencing, opera, underwater croquet, and other similar activities are the most popular within their culture. However, their closed off nature has made their connection to the other factions of Crystal Elves all but lost.   Sea Elf Traits
+2, +1 to a stat of your choice.   Crysiilsin Sea Lore. Whenever you make an Intelligence check or Wisdom (Survival) check concerning the sea you are considered proficient in the skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.   Kelpie. You have the ability to summon a Kelpie (Swim speed 50) from a nearby natural water source. If the Kelpie is slain in combat, it must rest for 24 hours before being able to return. This creature can be ridden by you with no issue.   Cooled. Your skin feels cool to the touch. You have resistance against cold damage.   {Pure Only} Lineage's Blessings - Ocean's Guidance. When performing, whether it be in song, dance, or craft, you are always under the effects of the Ocean's Guidance. Add a 1d4 to your performance check, always.   {Diluted Only} Adaption. You may pick an additional trait of your choice from the following Elven Races. Coastal, Deep, Shadow, or Blood. Apperence wise, you do not look like a Crysiilsin, but rather the apperence of the subrace of elf you chose.

Ifrit; Ash Elves

Ash Elves were hardy, sly, and all around brutalistic creatures born of fire which would later descend into the Taadrathi and the Elturel. Always up for a fight, it was hard to find a Ash Elf who didn't have a high sense of law and order. But when it came to a scrap they could be the most brutal of all of the Garden Elves, using their primordial attunement to the volcanic rocks to heat themselves up to unbelieveable degrees and make it impossible to get within close range without suffering a series of burns.   Ifrit / Ash Elf Traits
+2, +1 to a stat of your choice.   Magma-Cavern Darkvision. You can see in dim light and magical darkness within 120 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray, black, and red.   Warmed. Your skin feels hot to the touch. You have resistance against fire damage.   Natural Fire. You can light small flammable objects ablaze with any part of your body that is exposed. You know the produce flame cantrip at 1st level, which is replaced by the fire bolt cantrip at 3rd level. Your spellcasting ability is charisma.   Fierce Presence. When another creature hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to add your Charisma modifier to your Armor Class for that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss you. After you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you complete a short or long rest.   {Pure Only} Lineage's Blessings - Inner Heat. With insides similar to that of a furnace, you can choose to heat up certain parts of your body. Your unarmed strikes deal fire damage instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for unarmed strikes. Your clawed hands and are considered natural weapons, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal 1d8 + your dexterity modifier, instead of the normal for an unarmed strike.   {Diluted Only} Adaption. You may pick an additional trait of your choice from the following Elven Races. Dawn, Dusk, or Desert. Apperence wise, you do not look like a Crysiilsin, but rather the apperence of the subrace of elf you chose.