
 Kamigawa Exclusive 
If there was once a difference between the Humans, Elves, and Dwarves of Kamigawa they are so interbred at this point that they have created a new race referred to as the Daimyo. They are also known for having befriended and trained the giant moths of Kamigawa as mounts, which the Imperials often ride into battle, and for having started Minamo Academy long before the Kami war.
  Daimyo are the modern dominant race on Kamigawa. Though it is not certain from a divine perspective whether or not the races on this section were always there, bred away from Jukai, or were simply visitors from beyond the stars who began to settle it and then lose their sense of identity, is unsure. However, that being said genetic sampling shows that they have origins of Elven, Dwarven, and Human tree descents, alongside several smaller extinct gene pools.   Regardless of whatever the case is, what is certain about the Daimyo is they have adapted for life on Kamigawa quite flawlessly. Setting them apart from the majority of other Humanoid subtree races, is extremely quick reflexes, and self contained variation. The average Daimyo stands at roughly 5'4, shorter then most humanoid races. They tend to have slightly larger eyes that other ancestries, and hair that is generally either black or white, with different streaks of alternate color in them. Recessive genes in the race can lead to bright or vivid hair colors. Sharp or rounded ears seemingly depend on the family, and does not make them a different variation. However a noticeable distinct lack of facial hair is often common over most of the population, with only those of larger dispositions of their species being able to grow any.   The Daimyo are creddited with much of the expansion, modern medicine, and technology of the modern day. They are creddited for making the world civilized, and bringing about ages of great change and education. However, the greatest thing they are credited for especially is the encroaching growth of Towashi, Kamigawa's booming metropolis.   Though it was originally created to be a haven to usher in a new era, and a peaceful place for all, corporation takeovers and greed took over the heart of its otherwise pure intention, and it became a city stooped not only in political drama, but civil unrest and poverty in its lowest sectors.   Overall, Daimyo when they choose to work together can be a unstoppable force, a union between all the best parts of otherwise less cooperitive races, but when seperated, they can just as easily tear themselves but everything around them apart with the worst traits the humanoid nature has to offer.


Your Daimyo character has a variety of natural abilities common with your ancestry.

Daimyo Traits


Ability Score Increase +2, +1, +1

Size Medium

Speed 30 ft

Limited Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Daimyo Determination. When you make an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, after seeing the result but before the effects of the roll are resolved, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll. You can use this trait once before you must finish a long rest.   Versatility. Daimyo have a wide range of natural talents. You have proficiency in one skill of your choice and with one tool of your choice.   Resourceful. Whenever you finish a long rest, you are given inspiration, using the rules for inspiration provided in the Player's Handbook.   Ancestral Boon. You gain one of the following feats from the Player's Handbook: Alert, Healer, Savage Attacker, Skilled, or Tough.  

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Kamigawan.