
Draco is another one of those essence that is present throughout all of creation, but in such trace amounts you would never find it... Until you do, and gaze upon a creature known as a Dragon. Draco is called the Essence of survival, or the essence of Survivability. The Rebis explains that Draco is the culminated being of the subconcious desire for living on to see another day. That primordial magic that seems to thud inside of every creature. It is why Draco evolves into love, as a Draco dedication to protecting ones offspring forms into the higher Essence known as love extremely easily.
Those who choose domain and seek out a Draco essence crystal often seek out to become a dragon themselves. Even if not born a dragon, those who wield the Draco Crystals gain an alternate form and can beckon forth and control other dragons of their surroundings bringing an army of primordial creatures forward that desire no other thing but to survive. This essence is just as at risk as Love is in the grand scheme of things, as when you take away or manipulate a creatures will, its drive, whether it be for money, love, its family, friends, or so on, does it finally fall to its knees.   Those who wield Draco can not take it away, but can inspire others with their presence or horrify them with their dedication to their ideals and their never ending charge. To break a dragon's will is truly when that dragon dies. Even if a shred of hope presented in fleeting moments is still present, will a Draco holder live on to fight another day.
Metaphysical, Elemental