
The holy element of Ero is said to be named after the seal Erosyan because their purposes are very similar. Ero's position under Floro is widely considered a natural balance, though interestingly enough Fate says its a 'tribute to a very old couple' without elaborating. Regardless of its position, Ero holds a needed position in the elemental chart of renewing and releasing energy. The Rebis' birth often brings forward large shockwaves of Ero energy, and Dreamlands creatures who fail the jump to the material often release similar explosions of Ero to their bodies and surroundings.
Wielding Ero is surprisingly fairly easy, but mastery takes a long time where there isn't actually a ability to really find an individual who has completley mastered the element, as the more higher you get the more risk you come to it 'back lashing' and releasing the energy you are putting into it. Ero is the main element used within blood magic, and sacrifical magic, and spells like 'Disintegrate.'
Metaphysical, Elemental