
A new essence discovered by Onism; there is said to be a legendary connection between man and beast. It is through this connection that the corrupted are reborn, and that souls too evil for this world are baptized by being reborn as beasts and monsters to live out a divine punishment until they may retry their connection. But it is those who extend sympathy to the beasts, either as shepherd, caretakers, and so on, who find the most use out of Fauno. Users can create, shape and manipulate animals, multicellular eukaryotic organisms that form the biological kingdom Animalia. They can command, speak/understand, evolve/devolve, merge with, possess, etc., with all forms of animal life. Weaker users can only influence their behavior, commanding them to do their bidding.
Those with infusement in the Fauno essence are said to be more primal in nature. Whether or not they be ascended animals like Wargs, or ascended beastial humanoids like Byakko, or normal humanoids like Elves, Humans, and Dwarves-- they all tend to be a bit more 'primal' in the way they act. Not usually being the sharpest tools in the shed, but having plenty of attunement to wisdom of medicine and nature, their abilities can extend from any genre of animals from aquatic to flying to ground and so on.   Fauno essence tends to react badly and spooked by the Igno essence, and blends powerfully in symbiosis with Floro essence. Fauno is the only direct counter to Uredo essence, otherwise known as 'Blight.'
Metaphysical, Elemental