
"You've gotta be steady and strong. Geo is a stubborn essence. If you're going to move it, you've gotta be like a rock yourself."
— Geo Essence Teachers
  Geo Users can create, shape and manipulate earth and "earthen" elements including most solid objects, specifically all minerals and mineral compositions regardless of their state (mountain, boulder, crystal, gemstone, sand or dust), dirt, soil, etc. More advanced users can manipulate metals such as iron, copper and titanium.   Offensive uses of this power include extracting huge boulders from the ground and hurling it at the enemy at high speeds, impaling the enemy with countless spikes from the earth and in some cases creating giant golems or other creatures from earth and utilize them for combat. Defensive powers include shaping huge walls like mountains or barriers from the ground, creating an omni-directional wave of rocks/stone around the user to defend from all attacks and covering oneself with armor made from earth. Supplementary uses of this power include flight by standing on a piece of levitating earth and enhanced movement by using by skating on the earth and gaining enhanced senses from sensing the earth.
Individuals who are bound by the Geo essence tend to be set in their ways. Unable to truly move on in a substancial way. But it is through that stalwart bastion like dedication that their power over their element runs supreme. To be a Geo wielder is perhaps one of the most difficult things to master, as it is more than 'ignorance' or 'refusing to move on a stance' it is a intelligence that is crafted through a deep patience, and an unwavering dedication to a cause.   They can change their opinions, but you will rarely find them 'advance' from a position. A knight will continue to want to be a knight. A king will continue to want to be a king. The compromise of this causes 'cracks' to form, which is a real physical pain that is in users of the Geo essence can experience when they compromise in such a way.   While it may appear as if they are being dramatic it is an affliction that can manifest in uncontrollable earthquakes, volcano eruptions, and landslides in their chosen domains, it often gives a reputation to Geo Essence holders as being crotchity, tempremental, or 'stuck in the past.' Because of this issue, however, Geo is nearly universally fearful and weak to Ero, and needs to take heed around a essence user of Ero. However, they have some solaces. Geo is often 'healed' by that of their further track practice, Proto, Mend, Or Chrono, which tend to nurture and heal these damages and allow for smooth transitions into different way of thought.   You will likely never find a longtime Geo essence user without a Proto, Mend, or Chrono essence user somewhere nearby.
Metaphysical, Elemental