
Hydro users can create, shape, and manipulate liquids, inorganic compounds and gases, including changing them from one state to others. Even holding a lesser hold over Cryo like effects of soldifying liquids. More Skilled and powerful users can use water-related weather such as blizzards and rainstorms. Some users are able to completely control the temperature of the water at will.
Likewise to Hydro Essence Users, liquid is their native and most versatile home playing field. Able to fill their enemies lungs by force, or create massive enviromental effects, render themselves invisible in their enviroment, beckon forward creatures of the depths, tidal lock ships, bring down crashing monument sized waves to crush their foes.   Even on more simpler levels they can remove the moisture of ones eyes and tongue to blind them, and silence them, or curse others for them to never experience flavor of food again. Justly so they can make one experience a higher amount of flavor in food, or even cure certain select blood-based illnesses.