
Igno Essence is considered an 'Offense Essence' due to its ability to cause damage and destruction when it is used. Greatly being used in a variety of different ways to attack opponents. Though it can often lead those divines with Igno essence to be vulnerable at times as their magic takes contraction and focus making them unable to realize their surroundings. But they are also able to turn offense into defense as well making it difficult to lay a hand on them without suffering the power of their Igno.  
  Igno is considered one of the most dangerous and volatile forms of primordial essence due to its destructive nature. As fire is raw untamed power itself and must be treated delicately to ensure it doesn't lead to unwanted destruction. Making it one of the harder types of primordial essences to master as it time and dedication to ensure that the user can control it without being scorched by their flames.   Igno is never to be taken lightly as it will destroy all that it touches, making it all the more reason to tread carefully when dealing with it. Even those who wield its power tend to not have control of that force. Those who often wielded that great force often have to deal with the burden that comes with it and sometimes will be consumed by it if they are not too careful. Even those around them will often keep their distance to avoid pain and destruction if a user loses control. It is something that affects the mind as well as the temptation can be overwhelming with the desire to burn and empower them. Often making it hard to control their emotions to ensure they do not fall into such desires. Making it often a difficult and isolating life to those who have power over the flames and the fear that come with it.   While Igno may be powerful in causing damage, it has a weakness when it comes to how far it can go. As the flames will often grow weaker the farther they move from their source. It often takes training and discipline to make it have a more effective range and power that comes with it. Leading to much stronger forms of Igno that can be used once properly controlled to an extent and not be bound to its source.