
"Sufferers of the Lycanis Disease- Curse- or what ever you would like to call it; are referred to as Lycans; or Werebeasts. Lycans are beings who subsist by surging their bodies with a powerful curse which turns man to beast under certain circumstances."
— Lycanis Study Paper
  Lycanis is one part disease, and one part curse. Kynox; The Godess of the Night; was the creator of the Lycanis curse and through her and her bite did they be destined roam the world spreading terror every night. Rendrus; the god who was known to create the Nesfurei virus (vamprism) was known to have lended the hand in the construction of the Lycanis disease.   It may be slightly disingenuous to call it a curse, but rather, the original intention of this whole scheme was for Kynox to give her followers a fighting chance, as most were chased out of civilization because of the evil connotations Kynox had as mother of the night and the monsters that came with it. Yet over time, the blessing went from a higher controlled thing to rapidly evolving in several various directions, as most things Rendrus have a hand in making do. With Kynox unable to control the blessing, it soon began to be known as something worshippers of Kynox had, and it was considered a 'trial' that she gave onto her worshippers so they will be prepared for the night that comes.   The understanding of Lycanis sufferers are their main ability of turning into beasts that kill to satisfy their blood lust as their host remains unaware of what is happening to them. Kynox; Mother Monster, Night Mother, and various other names was said to turn into the grandest beast of them all, a weredragon. A Lycanis bite alone is the most dangerous part of the entire modification. Their bite is potently infectious, and surviving a Lycanis attack does not mean you are free.   Lycanism can be spread in three different ways. You survive an attack after being bitten, sexual transmission through sharing of body fluids from a Lycanis in either of their forms, or simply being born with one of the parents being a Lycan. Lycanism can be spread between various different races, effecting both Immortal Races, and Mortalis alike. Lycanism does not effect Godless races what so ever. Adahlen have a unique perspective on the Lycans. While most fear their disease and give them a wide distance, Unseelie readily accepts them into their court, but only if they embrace their hunger. Otherwise most Adahlens do not see them as Fey.   Below are some variants of non-playable types of Lycanis sufferers. Scroll to the bottom to see a full documentation on the playable ones.   wip
Lore Tidbits
Blue Ribbon Company
The Blue Ribbon Company is an expansive guild that spreads all throughout Vassalstal and Izaius'Cu, with their main base being in the latter. They are considered the #1 import and export location for enslaved Lycans. The Lycans who enter and exit through those doors are irreversibly damaged mentally, to the point where they may truly believe in their new 'masters' being well intentioned. It is thought this is accomplished through mental torture. Either way, individuals who have been recovered by their original tribe describe their clan mates as being shells of their former self.
Telling a Lycan Apart
While it is a tad easier to conceal their form by simply not using it, a Lycan is still very noticeable if a person knows what they are looking for. And considering the fear located around them, you likely will be noticed by even the common folk of a rural village. Excess hair growths over arms, predatory looking eyes, an intensive air around you others claim is 'suffocating.'

  Here's how a modifier race works: These are given ontop of everything else you get. Pick a NON-MODIFIER RACE. That is your base race. Ontop of that you'll be a Lycan. Lycran Dwarf, for instance.  


Your Lycan character has a variety of natural abilities common with your ancestry. You will also pick one of the available 'regional variants' below. Be aware the variants are very strict, and it will effect where your character came from.

Lycan Modifier Traits


Base Race. Pick your base race, and its sub race. Elf -> Dark Elf for instance. You gain all of these traits, alongside a choice of strain below which counts like a second subrace. The limitations on this: You can only pick from the MORTALIS, and IMMORTAL catagory races. The Godless and Artifical(Immortal) racial catagory cant become infected with this disease.

  Bite. You may unleash your inner fury and lash out. Your bite is considered a natural weapon; dealing piercing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength or Dexterity modifier. It is considered magical for the terms of overcoming resistances. Upon biting a humanoid (mortalis, immortal), that individual makes a DC8 Constitution save, or becomes infected with the Lycanis Disease of your specific variant. This is cureable through magical means, but only if it is cured within the next 8 hours.   Perks of the Beast. You gain proficiency in the Perception and the Survival skill. If you already have either of these your proficiency becomes expertise.   Shapechanger. As an action, you can change into your Kynoxian form in its controlled nature. Your size class increases by one. (Read your individual variant for more information.) Any equipment you are wearing or carrying is not transformed with you. Non-magical clothing and armor will rip and tear should these items not specifically be tailored for this transformation. You revert to your original form when you take an action to revert back, or if you are reduced to 0 hit points. From this point onward, abilities labeled with a ✦ at the start will be exclusive to your Kynoxian form. If a ✦ is located halfway through, it means everything after only applies to your transformed state.   Darkvision You can see in dim light within 30 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. ✦ This darkvision extends to 60 feet, and is seen in shades of red not gray.   ✦Knoxian Resistance. When in your transformed state, you gain resistance to non-silvered bludgeoning damage. When struck with piercing, or slashing damage from a non-silvered weapon, you may, as a reaction, gain resistance to non-magical and non-silvered bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage until the start of your next turn, including the triggering instance of damage. Your resistance ends at the start of your next turn. You must finish a short or long rest before using this trait again.   ✦Wicked Form. While in your Knoxian form, and not wearing, your AC becomes 11 + Dexterity Modifier. Any shield you had equipped before your transformation has reduced effectiveness by 1 AC as your shield no longer effectively covers your new, larger, form.  

Kynox's Blessing. Kynox's original intention was to give the worshippers of her attunement to the dark, and the wilds, and act as her divine will on the planet. You've gained unique resistances relative to the area you come from (see variants below.) However, you will never safely walk among the human society again, as their technology has developed in order to deal with you. In addition, you are considered a monstrocity on top of all your other racial types. You have vulnerability to any attack made with a silvered weapon. When struck by a Silvered Weapon, treat any roll above a 15 as if it was a natural 20.


Languages.You gain the secret language of Wild Races, called 'Moonspeak'. ✦ You are able to communicate with your variants animal realitives as if you were speaking to another human. IE: Werewolves can speak to wolves. Wererats can speak to rats. Etc.




Native to Vassalstar; they are from the Icepeak Mountains, to the Ashen Woods, to the southern Briar Swamps. They resemble most closely with wild canid features of a wolf; leading to their common name of Werewolf. Their instincts tell them many different things regarding their position on other creatures, and it is considered one of the most rough Lycan types to approach society. They travel in clans or 'packs' up to 2-36 individuals. Multiple of these packs will wander a single territory, overseen by an Alpha, who generally lives alone, traveling between the individual clans to check in on them. They do well in adventuring situation, making their group their surrogate 'pack.' You stand at roughly 8-9 feet tall when transformed.

Werewolf Strain

+1 Constitution, +1 Wisdom, +1 Strength, -3 Intelligence   ✦Pack Tactics. You have advantage on an Attack roll against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn't Incapacitated.   Sentinel.   • Whenever you hit a creature with an opportunity attack, its speed drops to 0 for the rest of the turn. This stops any movement they may have been taking.   • Creatures within your reach provoke opportunity attacks even if they took the Disengage action.   • When a creature within your reach makes an attack against a target other than you (and that target doesn't have the sentinel feat/ability), you can use your reaction to make a melee weapon attack against the attacking creature.   ✦Howl. As an action you may make a frightening howl that will frighten enemies within a radius of 20 feet for 1 minute should they fail a Wisdom saving throw of DC 13+prof mod. Enemies within 5 feet have disadvantage against this check. You may not use this feature again until you finish a short or long rest.   Kynox, Strain Spreadbility, Moon.   ✦ Choose one of the following damage types; Fire, Acid, or Poison. You gain resistance while in your Kynoxian form.   Your strain's spreadibility is potent. Most of your population base is made up of Elves, Humans, Orcs, and Goblins.   As a Kynoxian, your will sometimes leaves you. On the 3rd, and 23rd of each month, you make all checks and saves for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma at disadvantage. As well, you must make a Wisdom check at the beginning of every hour, DC equalling 20, subtracted by half your level, or be forced into your transformation for one hour. You are unable to willingly transform for the rest of the day. During the Kynox Form, you regenerate 5 hit points per turn. This regeneration is stopped for an hour if you are damaged by either fire, or a silvered weapon. All mortals, with a CR less than your level fear you, giving you advantage on intimidation checks against them.


Native to Ska'Renia, the Werefelis is an excellent example in how size is not always the determining factor in what makes a truly terrifying variant. Quick witted hunters and expert assassins, Werefelids are a popular pick for contract killers and bounty hunters alike. They are notoriously slippery when it comes to keeping them pinned down. More often then not a Werefelid is more in control than other variants. They often have an easier time when traveling the world, and tend to have a much more relieving time living within settlements. The Werefelis stands at just under 5 feet tall when transformed.

Werefelis Strain Traits

+2 to Dexterity, +1 to Charisma, -2 to Strength   ✦Pounce. Your quick thinking and reflexes have allowed you to take advantage of situations others have not seen yet. You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn't taken a turn in the combat yet.   ✦Felid's Grace. Your claws are honed into specialized weapons. You gain a climbing speed of 20 feet. You do not leave obvious footprints, and as such individuals who are trying to track you have disadvantage on their survival checks. In addition, you also gain a natural weapon of Claws, similar to the bite attack from aboving, but dealing slashing damage, at a 1d8 instead of a 1d4.   Civilized Lurker. Coming from urban environments and working in them gives you an upper hand in sneaking around there. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when in urban environments.   Kynox, Strain Spreadbility, Moon.   ✦ Choose one of the following damage types; Fire, Necrotic, or Piercing. You gain resistance while in your Kynoxian form.   ✦ Your form, stays at your original size, instead of growing larger.   Your strain's spreadibility is potent. Most of your population base is made up of Humans, Apelings, Lamia, and Elves.   As a Kynoxian, your will sometimes leaves you. On the 5th, and 14th of each month, you make all checks and saves for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma at disadvantage. As well, you must make a Wisdom check at the beginning of every hour, DC equalling 20, subtracted by half your level, or be forced into your transformation for one hour. You are unable to willingly transform for the rest of the day. During the Kynox Form, you regenerate 5 hit points per turn. This regeneration is stopped for an hour if you are damaged by either fire, or a silvered weapon. All mortals, with a CR less than your level fear you, giving you advantage on intimidation checks against them.


Native to Haplio'Xan, the Werepanthera though belonging to the same genetic morph as the previous entry, has evolved in a completely different direction. The werepanthera consists of many different morphs, some looking similar to Tigers, some to Lions, and others to Panthers. The morph is symbolized by its above average muscle strength, and primal hunger and instincts. Werepanthera are often utilized as guards by the Sultan of Haplio'xan, in exchange for refuge from a world that does not want them. They tend to be solitary people in their human form. These individuals stand at 10-11 feet tall transformed, with large muscles.

WerePantheria Strain Traits

+3 to Strength, +2 to Charisma, -2 to Wisdom   ✦Apex Predator. You live for the hunt. Your transformed eyes contain some sort of Primal magic to hone in on your prey. When you reach 3rd level you can cast the Hunter's Mark spell as a 1st level spell once with this trait, and you regain the ability to cast it this way when you finish a long rest. In addition you gain proficiency in the Athletics skill, and the Primal Savagery cantrip.   ✦Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.   ✦Maul. You may make two attacks with a single action. This ability stacks with multiattack. (For example from the FIghter Class.)   Kynox, Strain Spreadbility, Moon.   ✦ Choose one of the following damage types; Fire, Necrotic, or Piercing. You gain resistance while in your Kynoxian form.   Your strain's spreadibility is potent. Most of your population base is made up of Taadrathi.   As a Kynoxian, your will sometimes leaves you. On the 7th, 9th, and 23rd of each month, you make all checks and saves for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma at disadvantage. As well, you must make a Wisdom check at the beginning of every hour, DC equalling 20, subtracted by half your level, or be forced into your transformation for one hour. You are unable to willingly transform for the rest of the day. During the Kynox Form, you regenerate 5 hit points per turn. This regeneration is stopped for an hour if you are damaged by either fire, or a silvered weapon. All mortals, with a CR less than your level fear you, giving you advantage on intimidation checks against them.


Native to Premura, the WereUrsidae, or Werebear for short, is generally only seen in the Northern Premura Mountains. Werebears live in small isolated families, and almost always have two children per birth. To not have two children is considered a bad omen. While sometimes it is common to see Werebears in large groups, this is generally only when they are on the hunt for food, and as such should be avoided at all costs. Premura has a strained relationship with Werebears in general, as though Premura is accepting, Werebears have been a massive danger to travelers within the greater region. You stand at a staggering 14-16 feet tall while in your transformed state.

WereUrsa Strain Traits

+3 to Strength, +2 to Constitution. Your Strength stat cap is raised to 24. -3 Charisma   ✦Bearhug. Your strong limbs cause an amazing amount of damage to those who cross you. You can wrap your huge arms around your foe, lifting them up and squeezing them against your chest, crushing bone and leaving them weakened. After attacking with your claws you may use your bonus action to attempt to ensnare your opponent. They must make a Strength saving throw against a DC of 8 + your Strength + your proficiency bonus. If they lose, they are restrained. While restrained the target takes 1d6 crushing damage at the start of each of it's turns. A creature restrained by the hug can use its action to make a strength check against the same DC. On success, the target is freed. You cannot make any other actions while the hug is in effect.   ✦Claw. In addition, you gain a claw attack similar to the bite attack listed in the base modifier. This claw attack is treated is a 2d12, dealing both bludegeoning and slashing damage with a d12 respectively.   ✦Thick Hide. Your thick fur requires heavy blows to get through. You gain a natural AC in this form equal to 13 + your constitution modifier + your prof mod.   Menacing. You gain proficiency in the intimidation skill. This proficiency becomes expertise when you transform, if not already expertise. It reverts at the end of your transformation.   Kynox, Strain Spreadbility, Moon.   ✦ Choose one of the following damage types; Cold, Slashing, or Piercing. You gain resistance while in your Kynoxian form.   ✦ Your form will increase by two sizeclasses instead of one.   Your strain's spreadibility is potent. Most of your population base is made up of Dwarves, Mountain Elves, and Mountain Orcs.   As a Kynoxian, your will sometimes leaves you. On the 1st, 10th, and 16th and 30th of each month, you make all checks and saves for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma at disadvantage. As well, you must make a Wisdom check at the beginning of every hour, DC equalling 20, subtracted by half your level, or be forced into your transformation for one hour. You are unable to willingly transform for the rest of the day. During the Kynox Form, you regenerate 5 hit points per turn. This regeneration is stopped for an hour if you are damaged by either fire, or a silvered weapon. All mortals, with a CR less than your level fear you, giving you advantage on intimidation checks against them.


Native to Aesolone, Uscon, Izaius'Cu, and Kliyax, Wererats are noted as one of the most likely cannibalistic Lycan types, eating uninfected humans and subsisting on what they could scavenge or steal. They are an urban varient, and as such tend to fall under the patronage of Rat Queen or King patrons when they get involved in magic. Wererats were noted to rarely mate with other wererats, instead mating with uninfected humans. Wererats recognized their relative weakness and congregated in numbers in the sewer systems beneath surface cities. Not only did those who live on the surface maintain their lairs for them but they unknowingly protected the wererat lairs with their fortifications, allowing the wererats to frequently leave their defences lacking. They tend to be 4-6 feet in height in their transformed form.

WereRat Traits

+4 to Intelligence or Wisdom. -2 Strength. Your limit for Intelligence or Wisdom is raised to 24.   ✦Plague Carrier. Your bite is considered extra potent in comparision to other Lycans. The DC for being infected by your bite rises, equal to 13 + your proficiency modifier.   ✦Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.   ✦Cannibal. Eating humanoid flesh comes natural to you, to the point where not doing so would be taking away a key advantage. As an action on your turn in combat, you may consume the entrails of a corpse near you. This grusome act provides healing hitpoints equal to 3 x your proficiency modifier. You can do this a number of times equal to your intelligence modifier.   Civilized Lurker. Coming from urban environments and working in them gives you an upper hand in sneaking around there. You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks when in urban environments.   Iron Gut. You have advantage on saving throws against being poisoned and diseases resulting from ingesting matter.   Kynox, Strain Spreadbility, Moon.   ✦ Choose one of the following damage types; Poison, Acid, or Necrotic. You gain resistance while in your Kynoxian form.   ✦ Your Kynoxian form stays the same sizeclass when you transform.   Your strain's spreadibility is extremely potent. Most of your population base is made up of Humans, Elves, and Adahlen.   As a Kynoxian, your will sometimes leaves you. On the 17th and 28th of each month, you make all checks and saves for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma at disadvantage. As well, you must make a Wisdom check at the beginning of every hour, DC equalling 20, subtracted by half your level, or be forced into your transformation for one hour. You are unable to willingly transform for the rest of the day. During the Kynox Form, you regenerate 5 hit points per turn. This regeneration is stopped for an hour if you are damaged by either fire, or a silvered weapon. All mortals, with a CR less than your level fear you, giving you advantage on intimidation checks against them.


Native to the Underbelly of the World; Obairix, the WereChiro, or better known as Werebat was originally thought to be a variant strain of vampirism. As such most of them tend to together or working under Vampires, but not directly enthralled because of the danger it would give to both parties. Werebats tend to not like traveling around alot, as most tend to be slightly more paranoid than other Lycanis variants. The jeers of the mortal world often calling them 'Rat people with wings' makes most have a distaste for humanity to boot. They stand at around 7-9 feet tall in their transformed state.

Werebat Strain Traits

+3 to Charisma, +2 to Wisdom, -2 to Dexterity   ✦Stunning Screech. Once per day as a bonus action, the Werebat emits a horrific screech. Each creature within 20 feet of it that can hear it and that isn't a werebat must succeed on a DC 13 + Prof mod, Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of the werebat's next turn.   ✦Echolocation Sensitivity. You have blindsight out to 30 feet. This sight is gone if you become deafened.   ✦Call Backup. When a melee attack misses you, you may expend 1 charge as a reaction to summon a swarm of bats under the DMs control in an unoccupied space within 30 feet of you for 1 minute. The summoned creature is friendly to you and your companions and acts immediately after you in initiative on your turns, attack agressors towards you specifically.   ✦Limited Flight. Your arms have attached wings on them. While not holding anything else in your hands (including weapons and shields) you can propel yourself off the ground using your base movement speed as a flyspeed. You will begin to descend at a rate of 5 feet every round. After a number of rounds equal to your constitution modifier it will begin to be too hard to hold yourself up into the air and you must land, or you will fall in exhaustion.   ✦Keen Ears. You have a heightened auditory sense. You have advantage in Wisdom (Perception) checks using your hearing.   Kynox, Strain Spreadbility, Moon.   ✦ Choose one of the following damage types; Poison, Necrotic, or Radiant. You gain resistance while in your Kynoxian form.   Your strain's spreadibility is not very potent. Most of your population base is made up of Shadow and Dark Elves.   As a Kynoxian, your will sometimes leaves you. On the 7th and 20th of each month, you make all checks and saves for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma at disadvantage. As well, you must make a Wisdom check at the beginning of every hour, DC equalling 20, subtracted by half your level, or be forced into your transformation for one hour. You are unable to willingly transform for the rest of the day. During the Kynox Form, you regenerate 5 hit points per turn. This regeneration is stopped for an hour if you are damaged by either fire, or a silvered weapon. All mortals, with a CR less than your level fear you, giving you advantage on intimidation checks against them.


Native to Takarez the WereHyena; or otherwise known by their Takarez slang name 'gnolls' are a group of people whom generally live to the south east coast of Takarez. They travel in large communities usually boardering on the low hundreds. They have their own villages, towns, and homesteads, yet most prefer a life suited towards raiding more established places, which understandably gives the rest of them who do not partake in this a bad name. Their spirtual nature and preference to walking about in beastial shape has made them a common target for hunters who will poach their skins to sell within Takarez cities as 'warding totems' to keep other Gnolls away. They are usually 8-10 feet tall in their transformed state.

WereHyena Traits

Gain +6 in Constitution (Limit for Con raised to 28), -2 in Intelligence, -2 in Wisdom   ✦Rampage. When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack on your turn, you may, use a bonus action to move up to half your speed and make a bite attack.   ✦Iron Will. You are a stubborn creature born of scavengers. When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.   ✦Hounding Advance. You never stop pursuit of enemies. When a creature within 5 feet of you moves out of range, you may expend your reaction to move up to a number of feet equal to your movement speed to follow them. This counts towards your movement on your next turn.   Frightful Appearance. You are proficient in the Intimidation skill.   Kynox, Strain Spreadbility, Moon.   ✦ Choose one of the following damage types; Poison, Necrotic, or Fire. You gain resistance while in your Kynoxian form.   Your strain's spreadibility is not very potent. Most of your population base is made up of Humans and Fellavine.   As a Kynoxian, your will sometimes leaves you. Your transformations are famously unpredictable. At the start of every ingame month, roll 3d34- rerolling any duplicates. On those days of each month, you make all checks and saves for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma at disadvantage. As well, you must make a Wisdom check at the beginning of every hour, DC equalling 20, subtracted by half your level, or be forced into your transformation for one hour. You are unable to willingly transform for the rest of the day. During the Kynox Form, you regenerate 5 hit points per turn. This regeneration is stopped for an hour if you are damaged by either fire, or a silvered weapon. All mortals, with a CR less than your level fear you, giving you advantage on intimidation checks against them.


Native to the Uscon and Isuth, WereCrocodyls, or Werecrocs are a large and imposing race, often assosiated with ambush attacks and beserking take downs. The WereCroc culture usually lives deep within wetlands, isolated and very anti-society. They tend to keep to themselves to the point where upon someone stumbling across their encampments, it is not uncommon for them to refuse to speak to the person in question. This isolationist attitude has caused many problems when a more persistant humanoid comes along, which often leads to WereCroc attacks should they get provoked enough. Werecrocs have thick muscles, and large stances, making them a hard fight even just a one on one. In their transformed state they stand at 11-13 feet tall.

WereCroc Traits

+3 to two stats of your choice besides Charisma. -3 Charisma   Cunning Artisan. As part of a short rest, you can harvest bone and hide from a slain beast, construct, dragon, monstrosity, or plant creature of size Small or larger to create one of the following items: a shield, a club, a javelin, or 1d4 darts or blowgun darts. To use this trait, you need a blade, such as a dagger, or appropriate artisan's tools, such as leatherworker's tools.   Hunter's Lore. You gain proficiency with two of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and Survival.   ✦Hold Breath. You can hold your breath for up to 30 minutes at a time.   ✦Natural Armor. You have tough, scaly skin. When you aren't wearing armor, your AC is 13 + your Dexterity or Strength modifier. You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.   ✦Hungry Jaws. In battle, you can throw yourself into a vicious feeding frenzy. As a bonus action, you can make a special attack with your bite. If the attack hits, the individual must make a Strength save equal to 13 + your Strength modifier or become grappled. During this grapple you deal 1d8 piercing damage per turn passively, and can drag an individual at no movement penalty in a direction you choose, dealing 1d4 slashing damage per 5 feet.   Kynox, Strain Spreadbility, Moon.   ✦ Choose one of the following damage types; Cold, Fire, or Thunder. You gain resistance while in your Kynoxian form.   Your strain's spreadibility is not very potent. Most of your population base is made up of Humans or Orcs.   As a Kynoxian, your will sometimes leaves you. On the 11th, 12th, and 13th of each month, you make all checks and saves for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma at disadvantage. As well, you must make a Wisdom check at the beginning of every hour, DC equalling 20, subtracted by half your level, or be forced into your transformation for one hour. You are unable to willingly transform for the rest of the day. During the Kynox Form, you regenerate 5 hit points per turn. This regeneration is stopped for an hour if you are damaged by either fire, or a silvered weapon. All mortals, with a CR less than your level fear you, giving you advantage on intimidation checks against them.


Native to Yinexia, WereRaptors are the offspring of the research done after Chronos' death, mixed with the mage circles experimentation on the Lycanthropy disease. At the introduction of Dinosaurs into Vassalstar, Yinexia sought to find out if their DNA would cross over correctly with modern diseases. The answer was yes! However surprisingly enough, the Lycan variant of Wereraptor turned out to be enhancingly hypnotizing, and deviously clever. Often referred to as the 'Pretty birds' of the lineup, WereRaptors are much more social, and less prone to feral outbursts. They tend to serve as scavengers and representatives for the mage circles. They stand at 8-9 feet tall in their transformed states.

Draculian Strain Traits

+4 to Charisma, Limit for Charisma raised to 24. +2 to Dexteirty. -3 to Constiution   ✦Pack Rush. You coordinate well with allies to bring home the kill. If at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of a creature and the ally isn't incapacitated, you have advantage on an attack roll against that creature. You may alternatively grant this advantage to an ally within 30 feet as a reaction by barking out commands, if the same conditions are met. You may use the latter version of this ability a number of times equal to your charisma mod + proficiency modifier.   ✦Raptor Dash. Your agility and powerful legs allow you to move with a burst of speed. When you move on your turn in combat, you can double your speed until the end of the turn. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.   Talented. All wereraptors recieved some sort of formal education in Yinexia to the mage they work under. You may take an additional one feat at character creation. (For a total of two at first level.)   Bird-Brained. Typically an insult, thing may be of use to you. You have advantage against being charmed magically and non-magically.   Clever Girl. Most WereRaptors make do by close observation of tics and telling quirks in demeanor. You are proficient with the Insight skill. In addition, you can be most distracting when given the chance, giving you proficiency in performance.   Kynox, Strain Spreadbility, Moon.   ✦ Choose one of the following damage types; Lightning, Thunder, or Force. You gain resistance while in your Kynoxian form.   Your strain's spreadibility is almost impossible to spread to anyone with a capeable immune system. Your bite's save DC is lowered to 3. Most of your population base is made up of Humans, Fellavine, and Adahlen.   As a Kynoxian, your will sometimes leaves you. On the 32nd, you make all checks and saves for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma at disadvantage. As well, you must make a Wisdom check at the beginning of every hour, DC equalling 20, subtracted by half your level, or be forced into your transformation for one hour. You are unable to willingly transform for the rest of the day. During the Kynox Form, you regenerate 5 hit points per turn. This regeneration is stopped for an hour if you are damaged by either fire, or a silvered weapon. All mortals, with a CR less than your level fear you, giving you advantage on intimidation checks against them.


Native to Waitifox theWereVulpes; or known as Werefoxes are a seldom bothered and quiet medatative sufferers. Generally seen as quiet lived witches, druids, and rangers. They know how to keep themselves scarce, and generally hide within burrow houses in order to remain hidden among the megaflora of the region. The youngsters of the species tend to want to go exploring more often than not to the point where they will wander into towns within Waitifox and cause pranks, or sell their items they have recovered from grave robbing. They tend to be smaller than average in their transformed form, being 3-5 feet tall.

WereHyena Traits

Gain +2 in Wisdom, +2 to Charisma, -2 in Intelligence,   Tricky. You can ably create written ciphers. Others can’t decipher a code you create unless you teach them, they succeed on an Intelligence check (DC equal to your Intelligence score + your proficiency bonus), or they use magic to decipher it.   Nose for Treasure. When you enter a ruin or dungeon, you can correctly ascertain its original purpose and determine its builders, whether those were dwarves, elves, humans, yuan-ti, or some other known race. In addition, you can determine the monetary value of art objects more than a century old.   ✦Fox Step. You learn the misty step spell and can cast it once without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to cast it in this way when you finish a short or long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.   Quick Paws. You are proficient in the Slight of Hand skill.   Kynox, Strain Spreadbility, Moon.   ✦ Choose one of the following damage types; Radiant, Fire, or Piercing. You gain resistance while in your Kynoxian form.   Your strain's spreadibility is average in terms of potentncy. Most of your population base is made up of Humans, Elves, Dwarves, or Lamia.   As a Kynoxian, your will sometimes leaves you. On the 4th of each month, you make all checks and saves for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma at disadvantage. As well, you must make a Wisdom check at the beginning of every hour, DC equalling 20, subtracted by half your level, or be forced into your transformation for one hour. You are unable to willingly transform for the rest of the day. During the Kynox Form, you regenerate 5 hit points per turn. This regeneration is stopped for an hour if you are damaged by either fire, or a silvered weapon. All mortals, with a CR less than your level fear you, giving you advantage on intimidation checks against them.


Native to Kai'Lunri, these individuals take up the apperences of Corvid birds like Blue Jays, Crows, and Mocking Jays. What they lack in viable flight they make up for in a extremely apt mind. They often are found working alongside engineers in the floating cities of Kai'Lunri, figuring out issues with aviation. They are one of the few Lycan types that is actively integrated with society. Most of the plight of their race revolves around finding out ways to take flight properly, which fits in well with the culture of Kai'Lunri. In their transformed form they are lanky and thin at 8-10 feet tall.

WereCroc Traits

+2 to Intelligence, +2 to Dexteirty. -2 Strength (Your strength score is lowered to a max of 18)   Expert Forgery. You can duplicate other creatures' handwriting and craftwork. You have advantage on all checks made to produce forgeries or duplicates of existing objects.   Corvid Training. You are proficient in your choice of two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Deception, Stealth, and Sleight of Hand.   ✦Observant. If you can see a creature’s mouth while it is speaking a language you understand, you can interpret what it’s saying by reading its lips. In addition you have a +5 bonus to your passive Wisdom (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation) scores.   ✦Mimicry. You can mimic sounds you have heard, including voices. A creature that hears the sounds you make can tell they are imitations with a successful Wisdom (Insight) check opposed by your Charisma (Deception) check.   Kynox, Strain Spreadbility, Moon.   ✦ Choose one of the following damage types; Lightning, Fire, or Thunder. You gain resistance while in your Kynoxian form.   Your strain's spreadibility is not very potent. Most of your population base is made up of Dwarves.   As a Kynoxian, your will sometimes leaves you. On the 17th and 19th of each month, you make all checks and saves for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma at disadvantage. As well, you must make a Wisdom check at the beginning of every hour, DC equalling 20, subtracted by half your level, or be forced into your transformation for one hour. You are unable to willingly transform for the rest of the day. During the Kynox Form, you regenerate 5 hit points per turn. This regeneration is stopped for an hour if you are damaged by either fire, or a silvered weapon. All mortals, with a CR less than your level fear you, giving you advantage on intimidation checks against them.


Native to Vikinitios, Isuth, Vaidisora, and Ittrita, the WereBovidae is unique in the fact it is one of the very few technical 'prey' Lycan varieties. Also referred to as Minotaurs; they generally have massive horns, and look similar to Rams, Cows, Antelope, Wildabeast depending on the various enviroment of their region. They tend to be peaceful people, farming the lands, leading realitively quiet lives. However, they are one of the most hardy. They travel in massive herds up to 500 individuals, nomadically tending to the land and only hunkering down during storms. Their idea of a amazing offense, is a amazing defense. As such they fight well alongside those who take them into their fold. They stand at 12-14 tall in their transformed state.

Draculian Strain Traits

+3 to Wisdom, +2 to Constitution. -2 to Dexterity, -1 to Charisma   ✦Horns. You are never unarmed. Your horns are a melee weapon that deals 1d8 piercing damage, and you are proficient with your horns. Your horns grant you advantage on all checks made to shove a creature, but not to avoid being shoved yourself. Unlike other weapons on a WereCreature, the Horns do not spread Lycanism.   Safe Carriers. WereBovids are the only species whom does not have the issue of spreading their disease. The bite attack from the original modifier does not spread the disease when using it. The only way one can get infected by you is by consuming your meat, or by being born your child.   ✦Hammering Horns. When you take the Attack action on your turn to make a melee attack, you can attempt to shove a creature as a bonus action. You cannot use this shove attempt to knock a creature prone.   ✦Goring Rush. When you take the Dash action on your turn, you can use your bonus action to make one melee attack with your horns.   Labyrinthine Recall. You can perfectly recall any path you have traveled.   Kynox, Strain Spreadbility, Moon.   ✦ Choose one of the following damage types; Lightning, Thunder, or Force. You gain resistance while in your Kynoxian form.   Your strain's spreadibility is almost impossible to spread to anyone with a capeable immune system. The only way one can get infected from you is by consuming your meat. Most of your population base is made up of Giants or Dwarves.   As a Kynoxian, your will sometimes leaves you. On the 34th, you make all checks and saves for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma at disadvantage. As well, you must make a Wisdom check at the beginning of every hour, DC equalling 20, subtracted by half your level, or be forced into your transformation for one hour. You are unable to willingly transform for the rest of the day. During the Kynox Form, you regenerate 5 hit points per turn. This regeneration is stopped for an hour if you are damaged by either fire, or a silvered weapon. All mortals, with a CR less than your level fear you, giving you advantage on intimidation checks against them.


Native to Kliyax, the WereTestudine is a long lived, and travelled variant of the other Lycan sufferers. Living on the far southern islands of Kliyax, their culture revolves around traveling the world via sea to study art, literature, and sciences. Some native Elves see them as a cultural checkpoint, or a get away destination to delight in as they love to educate people to boot. Many artists often sail to the northern islands of Kliyax to delight in their vegetarian/tropical culture and enlightened collection of knowledge. Their small temples decorate shorelines, and they often live among Sea Elves. They stand at 5-8 feet tall, with at least 2 feet additional being pure shell.

WereHyena Traits

Gain +4 to Wisdom or Intelligence. Increase your limit for that Stat to 24.   ✦Shell. You have a hard shell that protects you from harm, and it only grows thicker the more time you take learning. Your Armor Class is equal to 14 + your Intelligence modifier.   Hold Breath. You can hold your breath underwater for 1 hour.   ✦Improvised Boat. You can float upon the surface of the water for long periods of time with little detriment of yourself, and can ferry people on your back should you have the appropriate strength for it.   ✦Retreat to Shell. Using an action, you can pull your head and limbs into your shell for up to an hour. While retreating, you are prone, your speed is 0 and you are immune to non-magical piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage. Once used you cannot use this feature against until you complete a short or long rest.   ✦Turtle Snapper. Your mouth cuts through leaf and flesh like butter. Whenever you hit a creature with a bite attack on your turn, as a bonus action you can make another bite attack against the same enemy.   Kynox, Strain Spreadbility, Moon.   ✦ Choose one of the following damage types; Bludgeoning, Piercing, or Cold. You gain resistance while in your Kynoxian form.   Your strain's spreadibility is average in terms of potentncy. Most of your population base is made up of Coastal Elves.   As a Kynoxian, your will sometimes leaves you. On the 4th of each month, you make all checks and saves for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma at disadvantage. As well, you must make a Wisdom check at the beginning of every hour, DC equalling 20, subtracted by half your level, or be forced into your transformation for one hour. You are unable to willingly transform for the rest of the day. During the Kynox Form, you regenerate 5 hit points per turn. This regeneration is stopped for an hour if you are damaged by either fire, or a silvered weapon. All mortals, with a CR less than your level fear you, giving you advantage on intimidation checks against them.


Native to the Sea, the WereLivyatan is a creature born and bred within the darkness of the oceans, gifted life only through a cruel mixing of the unnatural atrocities that haunt the sea and a desperate cling to life from a would be sailor-- wip

WereCroc Traits

+Something to Something   SSSS. SSSSS   Kynox, Strain Spreadbility, Moon.   ✦ Choose one of the following damage types; Lightning, Cold, or Thunder. You gain resistance while in your Kynoxian form.   Your strain's spreadibility is very easy to catch even to the heartiest of individuals. The save for your infection is a 18 + Proficiency mod. However; should one become infected like this, they will always be a mindless feral Lycan. Most of your population base is made up of lost Sailors and any race that could become lost at sea.   As a Kynoxian, your will sometimes leaves you. On the 14th and 26th of each month, you make all checks and saves for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma at disadvantage. As well, you must make a Wisdom check at the beginning of every hour, DC equalling 20, subtracted by half your level, or be forced into your transformation for one hour. You are unable to willingly transform for the rest of the day. During the Kynox Form, you regenerate 5 hit points per turn. This regeneration is stopped for an hour if you are damaged by either fire, or a silvered weapon. All mortals, with a CR less than your level fear you, giving you advantage on intimidation checks against them.


Native to Anywhere where Kynox is worshipped, the WereDrake is considered a extremely rare Lycan type, on par with WereLivyatan in terms of commonity. The god of lycans, Kynox, is said to be a WereDrake herself, and as such it is a highly prestigious, and almost religiously worshipped form. They tend to live completely alone in caves, paying worship to Kynox through collecting hoardes similar to an actual Dragon. They also have been known to fight off actual dragons from their hoard with the voice of their god. WereDrakes are documented to always be clerics, paladins, or warlocks to Kynox herself, as it is said they can hear the voice of Kynox at all times. Standing at a ridiculously sized 25-30 feet tall in their transformed state.

WereDrake Traits

+2 to Three Stats of your choice. Max cap for stats raised to 24 across the board.   ✦Dragonkin. When in your transformed state, you gain the 'Dragon' tag alongside Humanoid.   ✦Kynox's Blessing. You are required to be a Paladin, Cleric, or Warlock in service to Kynox should you take this Variant. This variant is impossible to spread to others, and is specifically given to you by Kynox herself or not at all.   ✦Roar of the Night Mother. You have the ability to summon Kynox's voice yourself while in your lycan form. You exhale a cosmic blast in a 15-foot line at level 1, which increases by 5 feet every level. Each creature in that area must make a DC 13 + your proficiency modifier Constitution saving throw, taking 3d6 cosmic damage on a failed save and be knocked prone, or half as much damage on a successful one and not knocked prone. Increasing in damage from 3d6 at 1, to 4d8 at 5, to 5d10 at 10, to 6d12 at 15, to 7d20 at 20. The breath attack appears as if you are exhaling a colorful blast of space outward from you. You can only use this ability once per long rest.   ✦Wings. WereDrakes have great wings that require practice and a honing of draconic ancestry to properly harness. At 5th level, you gain a 20 foot flying speed while in your lycan form, and you can't use this speed, if you are wearing heavy armor of any kind.   For the Hoarde. Whenever you make a Intelligence (Investigation) check related to gold, magical items, or gemstones, you are considered proficient in the Investigation skill and if you already proficient in the Investigation skill, your proficiency bonus is doubled for to the check. You also can accurately appraise a general ballpark for such valuables with little to no issue.   Kynox, Strain Spreadbility, Moon.   ✦ Choose one of the following damage types; Cosmic, Radiant, or Force. You gain resistance while in your Kynoxian form.   ✦ You grow three size classes when you transform, instead of the standard one.   Your strain's is completely unable to be spread between individuals no matter what. It is only given to you when you become a devout worshipper or follower of Kynox.   As a Kynoxian, your will sometimes leaves you. On the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th, you make all checks and saves for Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma at disadvantage. As well, you must make a Wisdom check at the beginning of every hour, DC equalling 20, subtracted by half your level, or be forced into your transformation for one hour. You are unable to willingly transform for the rest of the day. During the Kynox Form, you regenerate 5 hit points per turn. This regeneration is stopped for an hour if you are damaged by either fire, or a silvered weapon. All mortals, with a CR less than your level fear you, giving you advantage on intimidation checks against them.