
Mana is looked to as a 'Versatile' essence, being able to used as a energy source for many a thing. From artificers who need a rare powersource, to magical items, to a spellcasters expression of will, Mana is present in nature all around us. But it is from Manas uncontrolability that it has led to rapid evolution in various different directions. Those who wish to control mana are generally spell casters who want to beat the endurance test against other spellcasters. Though a unique use of Mana has been to attune it to other elemental pools creating combinations and violent reactions of destruction.
When handling Mana essence one should be aware of the dangers that direct handling of mana will have on the body. Though it is true it is in nature all around us it is still found in such minute traces that it is virtually harmless. However, when even a droplet of pure mana reaches skin it will cause extreme reactions with the body such as rapid mutations and a mental degradition similar to that of mania or fey-like qualities.   Mana was most present within the Rune Wilds in pure amounts, running through the very landscape and mutating the people there far past what should've been possible for natural evolution, because of Mana's direct want to 'evolve' and 'adapt' to its host and their needs.
Metaphysical, Elemental