
Mend Essence is considered a 'Supportive Essence' due to its ability to heal even the toughest subjects. Mend is deeper than just healing magic, though all healing magic on some level uses at least trace elements of mend. Mend allows regeneration of things that should otherwise be completely gone (such as lizard's who have abilities to regrow their tails) and mental rejuvenation of one able to aid another in overcoming a mental hurdle such as a deep trauma that has otherwise broken them.
The Primordial Essence of Mend is among the ones most difficult to find. During the early days of Makers it was the most universally popular element to take when the Avernus Project was first implimented. Leading to an over use of the very finite crystals that attune gnosises to their various different elements. Because of this it is usually only in previous mend holders collections will one be able to find a Mend Crystal to begin with.   It is said that the raw supportive power that exists behind the Mend Essence is attuned more so to healing divine beings, and that when used in incrimental 'pure' amounts on mortals, it can lead to things such as cancers and other such 'rapid cell' diseases.
Metaphysical, Elemental