
Nostro is a type of essence that gives the user the ability to manipulate a dark miasma which upon swallowing up a piece of gear or living organism will either cause it to decay or to rust. This type of essence tends to only work on living organisms which can not be classified as "human" or on pieces of gear that are inferior to the strength that of Floro. Nostro tends to be on the weaker side, not used outrightly, but when focused on and tended to, can also be coined as the essence of 'Sickness' and 'Disease.'
It is said the god Rendrus was a master of Nostro, and Vampyr's the first Vampire's descendants all have a small spec of the Essence within them. While their 'affliction' breaks down the weak willed, those who are strong survive it. Nostro essence also applies to sudden impact usages and spells like blights, and is found in fast acting amounts in the decay of plants and dead animals. However unless a creature is 'dead' or 'weakened' Nostro tends to not be very effective.   It is only when cultivated slowly can its true potential shine in the form of disease, mutation, and changing of one state to another.
Metaphysical, Elemental