
Pneumo, also called inner power or inner energy, or 'Ki' was a mystical essence of the body that could be used to fuel various powers by its practitioners. It was commonly used in monastic traditions. Pneumo was an internal energy of one's body, described as either spiritual energy or life energy. It was a subtle energy, but it could be used to perform incredible feats by pushing the body to and beyond its physical limits. Mastery of Pneumo gave one power over one's own body and over the bodies of others and even to steal Pneumo from others.
Pneumo was variously considered to be similar to but distinct from the mental energy utilized in Psio or Psyo, as a wholly soul-based essence or one whose application created magical effects. Of the essences that suffused the multiverse, Pneumo was the element that flowed through all living bodies including that of plants, animals, sentients and on sentients, and was closely linked with element of Hydro, as it depended strongly on the flow of the soul to the body. Thus, Pneumo, otherwise known as Ki exists in all things that lived.   The use of Pneumo was aided significantly by intense training of the body and soul through meditation, medicine, spiritual discipline, controlled breathing, extreme and laborous physical practice, and developed vitality. This was based on a belief that living beings were composed of two "lives", the physical and the spiritual, that must be in harmony.