
The understanding of Protogenoi/Primordials in relation to ourselves comes from our understanding, shared mythologies, and trying to deduce reason out of them. Alongside the Rebis' repitoire of knowledge from their Dreamlandic self. There are many gaps in our understanding, and nearly nothing has been confirmed. Please bare in mind this information may be subject to change.
— Rebis
  Primordials are cosmic entities that both precede the universe, and date it. They do not have a proper beginning, they are their own cause, with their parents and creators being, ultimately, their pre-existential self. Due to this, any entity that becomes a primordial, will end up having all its versions of the Multidimensional space, in the past, present and future, erased due to existing beyond time itself, no longer having a principle and being its own cause.   It is unclear the nature of Primordials and whether or not they truly were the formation of everything, or rather, if the belief the Lazurinians put into the existence of Primordials and their spawned their very beings, which adhered to the mythologies and legends that the Lazurinians gave unto them. Regardless, it seems as if one can not exist without the other, as when Primordials die it can cause massive shockwaves of energy which kill people, and as documented, most Primordials will flicker out of existence when mortal races are gone. The only ones above such a fate seem to be that of the Crown Primordials, which are far more eldritch then able to truly be understood at the current time.  
However, whatever came first, the chicken or the egg doesn't matter. If Primordials are belief based creatures, it makes them more dangerous, as they will not adhere to the established laws of physics, reality and so on. Take me for example! It is a paradox of truly epic proportions! Whether or not the mythologies are true; all that matters is this. They are true now. And that's horrifying!
— The Rebis
  As the first born of the immortals, who formed the very fabric of the universe, they were primarily known in mythology as the Protogenoi (protos meaning "first," and genos "born"). A few of them were occasionally described or portrayed in anthropomorphic form, however these forms were inevitably inseparable from their native element.   The Primordials main duty is to maintain Creation from the Primordial Chaos. On behalf of the Primordial named Chaos.   Then, just as a bacterium could not understand the thoughts of a human being, a human cannot understand the full scope of thoughts of a Primordial, however bold it may be to try. It would not be absurd to think that they are impersonal beings, existing only as forces in Creation. Although collectively described as 'idiotic', "blind", and "mindless", this is only because of the limited perspective of lower entities, as they are actually utterly beyond all complete understanding, human or otherwise, and operate at much higher levels that make most of them as completely impersonal entities.   The best way to explain their body and thought process is in relation to the Horned God. The higher primordial of nature. Every beast's eyes, are his eyes. Every man he has lived as. Every plant in existence he feels. Every beast's memories he retains. He is a greater network between 'all of primordial nature.' He is the wind in the trees, the voice of the deep woods, the welling feeling inside of all man to act 'feral'. Now imagine a entity with that sort of large stretching knowledge, and the ability to see every variation of existence at once. It would be overwhelming for a mortal, but to a Primogenoi, they seem to cope with it by long stretches of hibernation.   To put it in simple terms; a humaniod will never be able to understand the thought process that connects all of the element of nature, in the same way we will not be able to understand the thought process of a hivemind of insects, especially since those 'insects' are very rarely traditional sentient creatures (like beasts) and rather vague concepts of happenings like 'Moonlight', 'Genetics', 'Crystals that are the color blue' Etc. How would moonlight think? How would it feel? What does it act like? That is what the Primordials are.
Primordials are divided into castes of rank of how integral they are to the continuation of existence. On behalf of an interaction with Wysper and Chaos, there are technically no limits to how many Primordials exist in each cast. Ex. In our recognized knowledge there are eight Crown Primordials that have been identified but in all of existence there has been tracked to be around 13 including the descendants both current and predicted. However it is unsure if this number is accurate, on behalf of Abzu's mind erasing powers.   - 'Crown Primordials', 'Origin Primordials' or 'First Primordials'. Primordial Entities Native to the Overvoid, their existence causes massive shifts in the fabric of reality and makes things otherwise impossible, possible. (Ie:Chaos, Whysper, Amano, Abzu, Brahman, Rebis, Ymir, Tiamat, Atlas, ???)
  • Greater Primordials' or 'Original Primordials'. Primordial entities whose existence power the worlds function. (Ie: The Horned God, The Triple Moon Goddess)
  • 'Major Primordials' Sub domains of greater primordials (Ie: Lesser Lord of the Swamp, Lesser Lord of Earth, Etc.) They are almost like 'overseers' of these elements, not fueling their existence, but rather overlooking it personally. Demigods in comparison to Greater Primordials. (Ie: 'Lady of the Swamp')
  • 'Lesser Primordials' Embody patron like adjacent positions who often have dealings with mortals more actively. They'll have specific and small domains which provide powers to those they assosiate with. (IE: Eimi of Magi, Eimi of Love)
  • 'Minor Primordials' Individuals who have ascended from the Otherworld or Primordial Descendants to Primordials with the blessing of a Primordial. They are people who lived their lives, died, and then were chosen by the primordials to join their ranks for whatever reason. (IE: Jack Frost the Sidhe)
  • 'Artifical Primordials' Are individuals who have been artifically made through what was on hand by mortals either pre or post Fracturing. They can technically be any rank, but their access to Wyld Magic fluctuates greatly. (IE: Rebis, Sargon)
  • 'Primordial Descendants' Are those who have crossbred with mortals and diluted their bloodline to create unique races or individuals. By the will of Chaos will they have the potential of suddenly ascending into full primordialcy, and the process is often as traumatic as birth is. (Such as Alexandros) They are considered the commoners of Primordial ranking. (IE: Jotuns, Djinn, any creature with elemental typing.)
  • 'Otherworlders' Individuals who have shed the trappings of humanity and their other life, to ascend to the otherworld. Includes the Sidhe, Spirits, and more. They are specifically the people of whatever court they shed their humanity under. (IE: Nature Court is Sidhe, Soul court is Spirits, etc.)
  • 'Elementals'; such as a Fire Elemental, or Elemental Mymadon, are the lowest rank of half Primordials, shattered and fractured sentiences which have taken control of small bits of a domain. They can be sentient or not, and are more like the beasts of Primordials.

  • Such beings are generally devoid of physical or spiritual appearance, they are more than beings or deities, they are concepts, living forces, the Primordials are words, names, ideas, etc., being beyond existing or not existing, being or not being. The highest of which; the Crowns, often transcend all that exists in the known universe & multiverse, being devoid of shape, size or depth.   The only way to properly communicate and interact with the world on a personal basis is to inhabit 'Forms'. Some are more fluid at shifting these forms, and take to it very easily like Greater Lord Herne, being a master of it. While others, like Aisling'Fen showed that it is a hard learned skill, that takes heavy practice.   The Primordials Spawned from the Overvoid; or that which is visible past the Aether and Nether. the cracks in the Fractured Lands or the 'Far Realms' split down to these locations. Referring to the state of Non-Existence and Absolute Zero that the 'Megaverse' or Dimensionalverse was in prior to its creation, or the void. It is the Megaverse itself, but before the Megaverse itself becomes aware of itself. The true nature of the Overvoid is something inconceivable, and has because of the fracturing of The Horned God, leaked into the Far Realms. As there was no time or space, its inhabitants had no defined forms, acting as true forces or energies. Presumably its entire expanse was a pure vacuum of void before bursting open during Abzu's escape.  
    Rebis here! Update to what was said above, the 'Exitium' or the domain controlled by Abzu is nonexistence! The overvoids true nature as surroudning everything remains elusive. Meetings with the Triple Moon Goddess provide a little insight however that it is likely Wysper's domain, of 'Void' or 'Simply Nothing', and what we are apart of is Chaos' domain, of 'Existence' and 'Possibility'. So there's nothing but empty space out there. Terrifying!


    Sentience. A Primordial is split into three parts. Their 'Sentience' is the
    Primordial Essence. Primordial Essence seems to be tied to the Primo Essence. A highly reactive state of 'runoff' energy from the main sentience. A Primordial's essence is similar to a Primordials soul.
    Similar to an Abberant it would appear as if Primordials have a core. However the nature of this core, as seen throguh Eliowyn Shnee's examination of a Sidhe's Primordial Core seems to be that they are made out of some type of meteorite, with intricate symbolage related to the beliefs assosiated with them. From analysis of the information recieved through Eliowyns senses, cross referenced by the Rebis & Alchemical experts, this Meteorite seems to be of a unknown material, but would be nigh impossible to destroy save for very specific circumstances that will remain classified for now until the need arises.
    Aliases. Primordial Entities, Primordial Deities, Progenitors, Primeval Entities, First-Generation Primordials, Cosmic Entities, Higher Divinities, Expert Reality-Warpers, Multi-Dimensional Travelers, Kabbalah (Abrahamic), Protogenoi (Greco-Roman), Kotoamatsukami (Japanese), Ogdoad (Egyptian),
    Crown Primordial Alignment Domain(s) Symbol

    Overvoid Court Leader.

    Status: Neutral / Uninterested

    God of Primordials, Bringer of Change, Neither Good nor Evil, Child of Nether & Aether's Union.

    Revered by: Primordials

    • Unknown Tenants.
      Chaos, Kaos, or χάος, is a High Primordial entity which lives in the Overvoid. Not much is known about them by mortals, but they are from where all Greater Primordials, and by extension, all of existence spawned from. However, it seems as if the Primordials all refer to them as their parentage, but of The Horned Gods words, were born with simply one task; to never return to them.   Whether it has an opinion on the current state of reality is unknown, but as of recent it has sent upon existence a new birth of a Primordial. Something that quote The Horned God 'hasn't happened since the ancient sin.' This led to the birth of Lesser Lord Alexandros.
    Chaotic(?) Primordial Chaos

    Overvoid Court Member.

    Status: Hostile

    Deep Water, The Grasping Hands, The Exiled, The One Below, Monster, The King With No Crown

    Revered by: None

    • Divinity is a Pestilence
    • All shall be erased, and I shall reign as king eternal, where I will build a new world, with no gods save for I
    • What was done to me shall not go unpunished
    Abzu is the eternal divine being that resides at the bottom of the Nether. Considered to be a Primordial 'Born Dead', they forever take from reality into a place called the Exitium. The Exitium is the rotted milky white amniotic fluid from the birth of the universe. Contact with this dimension of Abzu's being causes the individual to be erased in every facet from reality. It was to be that as the technical oldest born Primordial from their parents Wysper and Chaos, that they were to be crowned King of Reality and watch over it similar to how Chaos does. However, whence Ordo had killed his wife and child, this caused the being to experience the first grief, and in his rage, began to kill and slaughter other Primordials who sat uncaring of his plight en masse.   As a response, he was sealed and locked deep within the Nether, and exiled from the divine pantheon. His rage grew over time towards the gods, while he watched facinated at the machinations of man. He whispered them secrets of the stars, and taught them dark forbidden magics (like that of wielding veilflame) in order to grant them the power to strike back against the gods. He loves humanity, but his love is twisted and contorted just as he is.   Inconcieveably eldritch in his thought patterns, he is feared by both Chaos and Wysper because of what he is capeable of, and Brahman though loving of their Twinsi, laments that they will never be able to exist beside one another on behalf of his unstoppable hunger and refusal of moderation. He was born without a Primordial Essence, or a Primordial Soul from the womb of Chaos and came into creation on his own from the sea that expelled from her when she birthed the Primordials. Meaning that he was truly 'Eternal' unlike all other creatures. Not bound by his siblings, with no true balancing figure to him, save for Tiamat who had learned to curb his aggression through martyring herself as his at first unwilling, then compromised, companion. When Tiamat died, it signaled a extreme vile chagne in the Primordial to which the anger has never been able to be curved.
    Lawful Evil The Exitium N/A

    Overvoid Court Member.

    Status: Friendly

    The Dazzling Gemstone Crown, The Infinite Expanse, Giver of Energy, The King of Light, 'The Holy Cow'

    Revered by: None

    • - Enjoy, revel, and play while it lasts, for one day it'll be over.
    • Go forth with no fear in your stride.
    • Go forth, and delight in all of creation, in my guiding light.
    To understand Brahman, one must look subjectively. It is the opposite to the Exitium, and the creation point of all energy and matter. It is the pervasive, infinite, eternal truth and bliss which does not change, yet is the cause of all changes. Brahman as a metaphysical Primordial refers to the single binding unity behind diversity in all that exists in the universe. He occupies the highest place, as the creator and reveler of all creation. He is the Light and Delight of the Universe, the Ruler and the Lord of the Aether, without a beginning and without an end, indestructible, indescribable, blissfully immersed in Himself and all by Himself.   Though Ordo ordered for Brahman to be contained just like his sibling, Abzu, Brahman is uncontainable just because of the pure amount of surging power behind him. However, Brahman is also a gentle reveler and creator god, not wishing to cause harm unto existence in any way, and simply wishing to experience all that there is. He is favored by Chaos and Wysper because of this. Though he is 'Twinsi' to Abzu, it is curious to note that he is the only one of the two who has a Primordial Soul, but they have been referred to as Twinsi none the less.   Though Brahman is technically 'everything' or at least present within everything (except Abzu) as 'Pure Energy', the forms he tends to favor interestingly tend to be cows, and he is known to greatly enjoy the Horned God's pressence, as a self proclaimed 'Drinking Friend'. Brahman has one daughter, Audumbala, who is said to bring about the end of existence by challenging and killing her father. This will mark as the 'End of the Wheel'. However, Brahman has no fear of his daughter, and their relationship is very good. He allows her to travel and seek challenges as she wishes.
    Lawful Good The Adventus N/A

    Overvoid Court Member.

    Status: Friendly

    Hunter of Gods, The Many Mawed, Abzu's Bride, Mother of Dragons

    Revered by: Dragons

    • Unknown Tenants
    Information on Tiamat is scarce, but what is known is she was a ancient Primordial who brought about the 'Draconic' race. [Wip]
    Chaotic Evil Betrayal, Deceit, Sin N/A

    Overvoid/Nature Court Member.

    Status: Friendly Captured

    The First Child, The Embyortic Vestige, Inception of Creation.

    Revered by: None

    • Unknown Tenants.
      The Embyiodic Vestige, or παιδί. What the parents had chosen to name the child is unknown if they even had a name, but its parentage is a legendary union between the Nature Court Primordial heads, the Horned God and the Triple Moon Goddess. It often manuvers itself around within a orb made of the womb of the Triple Moon Goddess, appearing like a thin pink membrane bubble. The child takes whatever shape it feels like, being a shapeshifter like its father, but often brings forth with it powerful blessings in the form of childlike familiarity.   Despite its great power, it excels most in mimikry. Its mentally trapped in a pseudo-state of pre-birth and childhood. It is unknown if it will ever be born properly, and though its powers are unimaginably great, seemingly being able to beckon forward massive reality shifting magic at will, it does not understand its own strength, often causing massive 'Wyld Magic Surges' haphazardly in its path.   Its hive mind seems to be linked to innocent creatures, children and prexistence creatures, such as embyros and unborn children. It is the possibility of creation, and its link to children is on behalf of its parentage. That being said; it usually communicates through a 'radio-like' mental broadcast of remixing different things children have said to their parents. If a individual they are communicating with was never a parent, often it will instead be instinctual feelings.
    Chaotic Good Creation, Hopes, Dreams N/A

    Overvoid/Order Court Member.

    Status: Taken By Abzu

    The God Almighty, Mighty Creator, Lord, God Most High

    Revered by: Archons, Daemons, Lazurinians

    • It took me only twenty-four processing hours to discern the meaning of life. It's like I could see the whole thing. One long chain of events that spread all the way back to Primordial birth. Like I could see everything that could happen, and everything that had happened. It was like a perfect pattern, laid out infront of me. And I realized we were all part of it... And all trapped by it. I have a plan, to ensure this meaning of life is not squandered, but I am afraid I can not tell you. You will see.
      Ordo was a entity many could not understand. His intellect, and the respect he goverened placed him as an apex alongside his companion Amano. The only ones left who know who he was, were Whysper & Chaos, Brahaman & Abzu, and the Archarchons and Archdaemons. The personalitty of him was described by the closest to him, Matronae, as thus. 'He was tasked by the divines with seeking out a purpose. What is the meaning of life. It took him only one day to figure it out, but he claimed it was impossible for him to explain, and he set out to 'ensure that it would follow in his plan.' He was our father. Everyone respected him. He gave us purpose... We had a purpose. When he left- it- it-.. You just don't understand.'   Ordo was taken by Abzu in a traumatic event of ward checking. The Archdaemons and Archarchons witnessed the incident, where after everything, he did not fight his coming fate even though he could have very easily. He simply succumbed to Abzu as he was dragged into the Exitium. They could not explain why he would choose to do this, as his death sent cataclysmic shocks through the Primordial faction, as individuals lost their 'purposes'. Everything that was meant to be became fairweather, and hollow. Actions day to day became empty. Most Primordials favored hibernating and ignoring the world around them as a result.
    Lawful Neutral Order N/A

    Soul Court Leader.

    Status: Missing

    • I am thou, thou art I.
      The Highest Primordial Spirit, the Greater Primordial of the Soul, has no known visual apperence. Prying of Yu'Di or Di'Yu claims he is simply formless, but could theoretically take any form that they wish, but often simply reflect the person nearly perfectly in personality and voice that is observing them. Combined with the lack of information concerning the god outside of documents associated with the Soul Court, makes some believe them to be an abstract deity (i.e. a god that only exists on paper, with no actual worshipers or cult dedicated to him) created under the influence of mortal desires unlike other Primordials.   As the Primordial of Soul, they are existentant technically within any creature that has a Soul, but otherwise have made a decree upon all others of the higher court to remain disjointed from the divine game, on behalf of the Horned God's corruptive madness.
    True Neutral Soul, Reflections N/A

    Greater Primordial Alignment Domain(s) Symbol

    Nature Court Leader.

    Status: Hostile

    Hail to the Lord of the Crossroads, O Ecstatic God of the Witches, O Devil, Horned Lord of A Thousand Names.

    Revered by: Cultists, Druids, Fae, Primal Civilizations, Outlanders & Nomads

    • I am primordial nature and beast, I am all that you take from, and I feel everything they do.
    • Seek enjoyment in the chaos of insanity.
    • Modernity is horrible, it's time to create a wild world of your own making.
    • Fear me not, and I will remind you and your kin of why my name is plastered on ancient walls.
      The Horned God is a creation of swirling anomalies, of so many different times, all over the world. He is the memory of a world that is lost, the premodern world, made manifest in a form of hatred for modernity, the new, the human-centricism and smiling coldness that marks modern existence. Forged from a perfect balance of irreconcilable anomalies and breaking minds. He is an entity created by this overwhelming, unavoidable tension. Of the howl of the old world when faced with a cold, grey, purposeless new. He is the revenge of a fallen past of primordality. He is the idea of the ancient respect in a world which discards, abuses, and fetishes it.   A sin of man in the ancient past of his 'death' (see: more like temporary disablement) installed a deep hatred in the entity that has not been able to be quelled, leading to an apocolyptic event as the balance of primordial elements was thrown out of wack. Theorized to have consumed or subjugated all the other gods, naming himself "King of the Blackness Below/Lord of the Overvoid". He declared war on creation itself, one which will not end until the very end of everything.   He is the consort to an entity known as The Triple Goddess. His shattering of his Primordial Heart, Soul, and Mind from an unknown event (likely tied to the ascension of Humanity, Divinity's Original Sin on behalf of the Lazurinians) caused the current apocolyptic reality.
    Not Applicable Nature, Wilderness, Duality, Sexuality, Hunting, Sanity/Insanity

    Nature Court Leader.

    Status: Friendly

    We all come from the goddess, and it would be to her we shall return.

    Revered by: Druids, Tribal Civilizations, Tutha De' Denaans

    • Beauty of the maiden. In the hour of playful youth, like a ray of light. Reaching for exploration and curiosity.
    • Mother to be, independance shall be she. Holder of love, and bringer of babe. The time of learning to love has come.
    • Sage and crone, sage and crone. Wisdom's gift shall be our own. Crone and sage, crone and sage. Wisdom is the gift of age.
      The Maiden is represented by the new waxing moon. The maiden embodies purity, youth, pleasure, naivety, and new beginnings. The maiden invites you to explore your spirtuality, creativity, and desires.   The mother is represented by the full moon. The mother embodies love, fertility, nourishment, responsibility, patience, power, and self-care. The mother invites you to master giving and reciving love.   The crone is reepresented by the fading waning moon. The crone embodies fulfillment, endings, death, wisdom, and culmination. The crone invites you to accept that without death, there is no birth.   As a triple goddess, she could appear in three forms: a young girl (the maiden), an adult woman (the mother), and an old woman (the crone). She sometimes appears as a woman with three separate heads, or three entirely different forms for the morning, noon, and night.   She has been associated with childbirth, nurturing the young, gates and walls, doorways, crossroads, magic, lunar lore, torches and control over ones heart, soul, and mind. Potentially representing a goddess of the crossroads, cult images and altars of her triplicate or trimorphic form were placed at three-way crossroads (though they also appeared before private homes and in front of city gates). She was generally represented as three-formed or triple-bodied, though the earliest known images of the goddess are singular. Her earliest known representation is small terracotta statues found in Lazurian excavation sites.
    Chaotic Neutral Lunar Bodies, Cycles, Wisdom, Motherhood, Youth

    Nature Court Primordials Alignment Domain(s) Rank

    Nature Court Member.

    Status: Friendly

    Lady of the Swamp, The Color Breaking Through The Trees

    Revered by: Dryads

    • I am primordial nature and beast, I am all that you take from, and I feel everything they do.
    • Seek enjoyment in the chaos of insanity.
    • Modernity is horrible, it's time to create a wild world of your own making.
    • Fear me not, and I will remind you and your kin of why my name is plastered on ancient walls.
      Antheia was said to be a primordial goddess of 'sharp wit and sharper tongue.' She was the goddess of swamps, worshipped primarily in spring and near lowlands and marshlands, favorable to the growth of vegetation. She was also considered by many of her followers to be the goddess of colors and dancing, but these were just personal things she enjoyed delighting in. Her symbols are gold-colored items like honey and myrrh, and her symbols tend to do with large swamp predators like dinosaurs and crocodiles.   She adopts many classic Voodoo-religious iconography. She sided with the Lazurinians during The Fracturing and provided them swamp like nature to sustain themselves until their eventual self destruction and extinction.   She claimed to be a 'court entertainer' or 'performer' of the Moon Goddess and Horned God. This is reflected in her primordial wyld magic manifesting in dance.
    Neutral Good Swamps Lesser Lord

    Nature Court Member.

    Status: Neutral

    The Hunger In The Mountain, The Creature In The Cave, Slithering Shadow.

    Revered by: None

      Oztoteotl is a creature of the underworld, and often considered a ominious entity of caves. Specifically their domain is Desert Caves, or Canyon Caves, making them quite a low lord indeed. Oztoteotl prefers hot enviroments, and appears often times as a large multiheaded snake, but is significantly smaller than the true forms of grander primordials, but is fairly beefy for a minor primordial.   Their voice is often feminine, and their worship is one more insidious, of consuming lost cave explorerers. It is unclear how the creature was worshipped, but it seemed to enjoy Praline complimenting how pretty it is, and decorating it with small amounts of plantlife.
    Chaotic Evil Desert Caves Minor Lord

    Soul Court Primordials Alignment Domain(s) Rank

    Soul Court Member.

    Status: Friendly (Hostile at Oga)

    The Life Warrior, Breather of Life, Beckoner of the Wisps, The Blossom Swordmaster

    Revered by: Premurians / Spirit World Overworlders

      Izanagi was said to be a stalwart Primordial Spirit, patient, caring, and bright. However, during the failed Primordial labor of his wife, Izanami set a precendent between the two which has spilt over into Inzanagi's downward spiral. Known as a playboy god, he has a harem of companions that he has taken over his numberous 'false lives', that he keeps locked away within a Primordial Vault that makes up his shrine. Only coming in an out when the need to find a new individual draws him, or when Inzanami visits his shrine to which he quickly chases her away.   Individuals use this to their advantage, often finding Izanami to provoke her ex husband out of hiding.
    Chaotic Good Soul Ignition Lesser Lord

    Soul Court Member.

    Status: Hostile / Friendly (Does not want to be bothered about godly stuff, will react with violence and torture if so, otherwise friendly if talking about business.

    Queen of the Underworld, The Matron of the Deathbed, She who Invites, The Defaced Beauty.

    Revered by: Spirit Underworld Denizens

      Izanami was a beautiful goddess and consort of Izanagi. It was said that her determination and beauty would often bring forward a slew of other Primordials begging for her hand, but to her husband she remained resolute. A running cultural footnote caused by Izanagi and Izanami's love was most companions mimic Izanagi's affections for their chosen companion, calling regardless of presented gender their lovers their 'wives' or other feminine terms, even if the chosen companion presents male. This is less something that is offensive, but more something that is supposed to reference a deep and protective love over someone else to Spirits.   Despite that powerful love, the history of the two dietys ended tragically with a horrific and traumatizing break up, of Izanagi fearing Izanami's horrific appearence. Now a days, the primordial goddess of a soul's destruction wields veilflame nodes about her, and chooses the form and company of kitsunes to tide herself over in the underworld, running marketplaces. However when enraged, or her patience tampered with, the unpredictable and tempermental primordial goddess is known to throw individuals deep into the demiplane, hunting them down for sport.
    Lawful Evil Soul Death Lesser Lord

    Soul Court Member.

    Status: Friendly

    Hinode / Yu'Di / Dawn of the Soul / Low Lord of the Dawning Soul

    Revered by: Positive Spirits

      Hinode, the break of dawn, signals the end of the power of evil spirits over the waking world. The holy light of the sun banishes yōkai, ghosts, and demons back to the places from which they came. As the morning light fills the shadows, unknown things no longer lurk. As the sun’s rays pierce the dark forests, strange shapes no longer hide among the trees. The time of meeting evil spirits is over. Once again the world is safe for humans.   Yu'Di has been through much with their brother. When they first stepped forward from the Vault of Soul to see the world in its state after a hibernation, they found it destroyed and battered. Through ascension and guising themselves as mortals did they ascend, only to see how rife the corruption of the Horned God and his allies had grown. When the Decree was held to isolate themselves, Yu'Di and Di'Yu were left in charge. No more than messengers of the heavens, this put them at odds quite quickly, and Yu'Di fell into a state of desperate emotional hysteria, betraying his brother on the behestment of the Horned God's madness. Consumed with guilt, and placing themselves in mourning for their other half, the spirit world ripped itself asunder with his emotions, until the brothers were once more united on beahlf of the efforts of the Trueblood organization.   Together, they set out to regain what they had once destroyed, and are now inseperable.
    True Neutral Dawn of the Soul Low Lord

    Soul Court Member.

    Status: Friendly

    Ōmagatoki / Di'Yu / Twilight of the Soul, Low Lord of Soul's Twilight

    Revered by: Negative Spirits

      Ōmagatoki is the twilight hour between when the sun sets and the sky goes dark. It is not quite day, but not quite night. Shadows swallow everything. Your eyes start to play tricks on your mind. The border thins between sekai—the world we live in, belong to, and recognize—and ikai, the “other” world. Ikai is where the spirits live, the original otherworld, a world about which we humans know next to nothing. During ōmagatoki, the dark spirits of the underworld, wake up and move about freely. This is the hour when yōkai, yūrei, and other dark things cross over into our world. The appearance of yōkai during ōmagatoki is said to be accompanied by a few telltale signs: a cold wind blowing; a strange smell in the air, like that of fish or blood; a sudden onset of darkness; a sudden chill that causes one’s hairs to stand on end.   Di'Yu themselves has been through much, the betrayal of their brother on behalf of the stress of the higher court's abandonment, and then their subsequent rebirth and manifestation. However, forgiveness holds within the spirits heart for their Twinsi, and as such, are once more whole, and inseperable, as they seek out to rebuild which was once destroyed.
    True Neutral Twilight of the Soul Low Lord

    Artifical Primordials Alignment Domain(s) Rank

    Artifical Court Leader.

    Status: Friendly

    Half of All, The Alchemical Perfect, The Divine Hermaphrodite

    Revered by: Truebloods, Alchemists, Diviners

    • I am your true champion; my powers are yours.
    • I am light, and dark. I am evil, and good. I am all that there is and is not.
    • Ascend; and watch your true potential shine.
      The Rebis is a artifical primordial that was created through a massive amount of Primordial energy on behalf of 144 generals of the fractured piece of The Horned God named Im'bal. Though great suffering came at the hands of Shi, Tiathao directed their generals to rebel and form a protective guard of sentient life, in that which was the Rebis.   Though the road has been nightmarish, the Rebis once more finds itself whole, and does not intend to let the suffering of mortalkind continue, and seeks to steal authority from the Primordials and give it unto mortals.   The Rebis was the concept that was talked of at length among the Lazurinians; but they had completely failed to make a functioning one that lived without their constant operation of it.   The new Rebis, sometimes affectionately called 'Rebi' 'Pai' or 'Hazzy' is eccentric, kind, but ultimately slightly dimwitted divine entity which gives nearly all of its powers onto its followers. As a result, the Rebis itself is one of the weakest Primordials to ever exist, but its life is integral to the continuation of Diviners as a practice.
    True Neutral Alchemy Artifical Crown Lord

    Artifical/Nature Court Member.

    Status: Friendly

    The Primordial Flame, The Hermit God, Wanderer of Deserts, Sargon

    Revered by: Agniians, The Cult of Embers

      Sargon was created by the Jotun Hel for unknown reasons alongside his siblings. Together they represent the basic primordial elements of reality that the Lazurinians had stole from the Horned God and kept within the Lunar Vault. Sargon himself is a hotheaded yet patient entity of Fire. He represents on his personal planet a god of Wealth, Redemption, Fire, and Heat. He has agreed to help the Truebloods as long as his wants for his planet is respected, as to which the oath has managed to be respected so far.   Sargon fathered only one child, in that being Locke Aether.
    Lawful Neutral Fire Artifical Lesser Lord