
Proto is only used by two types of people. Those who are not naturally inclined for fighting, or for those who wish to only fight to make a new future. These two sides of the coin make up the main base of those blessed with the Proto element. Often referred to as well as 'Creation' this specific Essence is what triggers natural concepts like Birth and renewal, and works hand in hand with its 'Essence Chart Neighbors', Ero, Draco, Undo, and Myth to create what is called the 'Cross of Existence' where the basic tennants of life are presented. Draco, the survival, Ero the end, Undo the space where it exists, Myth the memory of whats left behind, and Proto the creation.
Creating matter seemingly from nothing is generally what insists upon from Proto, but their applicancy is far more varied. They generally are able to cause reactions from nowhere, and modify core rules of existence. It is also called the 'Editors Element' allowing for one to change a matters physical state from one to another.   The master of the Proto element was that of the garden creature, Celestia, who used Proto to create most laws of checks and balances that exist currently to allow continued existance to occur, even in her death, and by extension, her subsequent rebirth.
Metaphysical, Elemental