
Psyo was a direct power of ones subconcious itself (not to be confused with Psio, dreamlands-based elemental power of expression of the contents of ones mind) to cause rippling shockwaves of raw energy. Psyo based individuals in times past went on to become the very creatures that shaped the Dreamlands around them. While Psio can effect things on a smaller scale until they ascend, Psyo are the ones who truly hold within them a uniquely strong mind. Levitating and throwing objects, such as under the effects of Telekenesis is the most common usage of Psyo.
Meditation can tend to strengthen ones connection to Psyo, and becoming more in tune with ones body helps with delivering 'Psyo based attacks', in the form of someone speeding up their punches to be far more impactful using their will of mind. It is also through this 'will of mind' that they can force their legs to go faster, and Psychokinesis of their anatomy. If Psio users were the spellcasters of the mind, Psyo is the physical users of the mind.