
Pure Essence is considered the most powerful 'Sacrifical Flex Essence' due to its ability to be molded, crafted, grafted, and controlled. Greatly being used in a variety of different ways to bolster allies, and self, with devastating consequences to both parties. Divines backed with the Pure essence are said to be vulnerable to the Pure itself, and are said to become one with it. To find a Pure element god, is to find someone who is rapidly becoming, or is part of a hive mind. They all share realitively the same goals. With great power such as controlling Pure, the Pure has only but one demand; to consume you to its mass when all is said and done.  
  Pure's applications in terms of an essence are absolutely invaluable to anyone who knows anything about essences. It was worshipped back in the days of Conria, for very obvious reasons. Pure is used in order to make Husks, God Eggs, Divine Artifacts, is infused into Mounts to super charge them to create holy mounts, and lastly can be used as a suffocating weapon.   Pure's assosiation with the Demiurge is obvious, as after consuming godly matter, the Demiurge produces it, weeping it from its various orifices. Many mythologies have come forward to claim why this is, but all that can be determined is certain. All divinity comes from Pure, and to it, it shall return. When you become a god, naturally your body is aligned to the Essence on a molecular level. There is no way to stop or delay its inevitable claim.   It is said that within Ichor exists every god who has ever died, and that the crushing weight of the artifical Essence 'Abberancy', is flexing those latent divine energies and conciousnesses that lay dormant, in order to suppress and break any who are exposed directly to it.