The Soverign Guard Organization in Songs Of Shadow | World Anvil

The Soverign Guard


"We do what we do to perserve the safety of Lazarus. It is unfortunate, but do not weep. Your deaths will serve the most perfect and beautiful being in existence. That must be kept. Do not worry. I will not shed a tear of my holy form. I will end you with love in my heart and a smile upon my face."
— Monad

Monad: Deceased

The Soverign are the divine beings from Lazarus sent to guard and maintain the seven subjugated, each sacrificing themselves to make sure they were pinned inside of Avernus' deepest and darkest pits, though they unknowingly working under Monad, have been helping Shi's influence grow within Avernus. They seek to have a pure good existence and have no comprehension of the evils they allow to happen.   So far they have helped in the recreation of the Rebis by summoning forth Paimon, and have crafted the Pallor Rune in an effort to destabilize the integrity of Apollyon. Monad's list of sins are far more grievous, such as cutting off the Rebis' head, using proto-universal beads as spellcasting folci causing deaths of uncountable lives just to preform minor and simple magical feats in an effort to 'clean' existence from the corruption it suffers from, creating an offspring by offering her essence forward to Shi as part of a bargain to protect Lazarus to create the child known as Lillith, and lastly torture of the Runic Child she created known as Pallor to force his powers to become completely unstable.
It has been implied that the other Soverign do not know of Monad's corruption, and follow after her doggingly, stalwart in their task of protecting Lazarus. It is unknown what the response would be if Monad's doings were brought to the light of day, but it can be assumed it is one of the many reasons why the only Soverign seen active and doing business forwardly are Monad herself, and a scout who is tasked with not interacting with anyone and simply taking pictures from afar.
UPDATE: In the ten years since the attempted collapse of reality, and the death and subsequent reinvention of Apollyon into Alhim; the Soverign have been grappling with the reality of their existence under a manipulitive goddess. But peace came in a surprising merger, of the previous Subjugated, the very individuals they were supposed to be wardening over, joining them as one faction, changing the banner name to 'The Soverign Guard' to work as holy angels of whatever pantheon succeeds.   Most of the individuals of the Subjugated faction, one has to bear in mind, were personally related to these Soverign. Whether they be Twinsi, Ex Lovers, Direct Children, and even Parents. This union is a symbol of forgiveness from the Subjugated, and from the traditional Soverign; an extreme path lies ahead to see if they can forgive themselves from how they were mislead.