The Tek Tree Technology / Science in Songs Of Shadow | World Anvil

The Tek Tree

There is many different types of Tek. Each with their own unique blend of primordial elements and laws to create what we know today as our modern day luxuries and advantages.
— Rebis


Coming from the word 'Technospace', the branch of knowledge dealing with engineering or applied sciences having to do with electricity and metal created technology. Often considered one of the most ambitious types of Tek, it can be used to create all sorts of effects, including manipulation of magnetic poles which some other Teks suffer from not being able to utilize. Another advantage that Technology has over other types of Tek, is that Technology often holds up far longer than other Teks.   Magitek has a high upkeep cost, Crystaltek often needs to be changed out with fresh channeling crystals and eats up alot of essence, Adamtek only works in certain leyline aligned locations, and true Laztek is unavalible for any normal individual. Technology is affordable, easy to maintain, and often relies only on the presence of energy on a planet.  


Summoning the natural divine power of magic, also known as the reaction between Aether and Nether, Magitek harnesses the Winds of Magic to operate. The Winds of Magic, sometimes called the Weave in Ammeriam, or simply just magic in everyday usage, is the invisible currents of magical energy which flow across the mortal world from the Realm of the Overvoid. This ancient, inter-dimensional force is a form of harnessable, emotionally-inflected energy that can be used by a skilled practitioner such as a wizard to manipulate and alter the very fabric of the natural world.   Magitek is the catch all term for any piece of tek that is powered or enhanced by magic. It is primarily found in places like Faerun, where it was first invented, and later spread by the god Karsus to the planet Ammeriam. Access to the weave has allowed the planet to rapidly progress and expand the Magitek industry to the point where several societies would likely collapse without it. The ubiquitous nature of it means there is no single person or group who control the production and maintenance of Magitek, but there are many individuals who profit heavily off of attempted regulation.   The vast majority of Magitek is powered by Magitek Oil. Some devices have an internal magitek engine that converts the oil into raw magical energy that it can use. Others are hooked up to an external engine that does the same thing. Most quality of life devices come in both versions. Which one is used is supposed to determined by the actual use case, but usually comes down to the wealth of the owner.   People in higher social classes tend to have one or two large engines in the house and everything is powered from them. This is less efficient in terms of oil usage and has a bigger upfront cost to set up, but much more convenient. Poorer people usually need to get one device at a time over a longer period and the small amount of oil that is wasted by it all being one system is a bigger deal when you have to budget your coin.  


Summoning the natural divine power behind gemstones. Crystaltek can use a number of different materials to work. Most modern Crystal uses trace elements of Lazurite Khadine to get them started, but true Crystaltek does not rely on this material. Instead charging these crystals with a blend of Essences of various types is usually the name of the game.   A crystal charged with the essence Love will often react far more exposively than a crystal charged with the essence Igno, for example. Either way, the color of the crystal generally determines the essence it has been enfused with. The shortcoming with Crystaltek is that it often needs to be changed out often, as Crystals absorb ambient energy, which can lead to flaws in manufactured technology over time.  


Adamtek, sometimes referred to a channelertek, is derived from a connection to the natural material known as Adamantine. It is inherently a more 'green' type of Tek, and is said to have a higher connection to nature and animals, a strange sort of sentience behind animals seems to make them be aware to not mess with it, leading to it having very little issues with outside forces, and having nearly no casuality rate against beasts unless actively wielded by mortals.   Adamtek has an interesting relationship with the current march of progress towards industrialization. In general it tends towards balance of all things, and such has adapted. It is mostly used by Druidic and Sylvan settlements. Some druids have been able to draw power from a city with Adamtek, as if it was a living thing, in much the same way they would from other environments like swamps, or tundras.   This is in stark contrast to how it interacts with Magitek, which nothing besides 'sacrifice' of the oil can be pulled from it. The most common wielder of Adamtek is the Runewilds, and so most people that practice it end up being called a druid or fey regardless of their actual skill set or actual race.  


A advanced form of Crystaltek, which focuses on the use of one particular type of crystal; Lazurite Kahdine. Devices that are designed to use or manipulate primal magic tend to fail, often violently, but Laztek perfectly encapsulates the long abandoned tek of an ancient world. Laztek uses reaction between Lazurite Khadrine, a extremely adaptive and resilient material that some claim 'almost operates as if it has its own agenda', willing to be molded into all manner of shapes, almost like a memory foam.   Laztek uses Dark Matter, Lazurite Khadrine, Angio, and an unidentified fourth element to create the massive and destructive expungers of energy. Laztek is seemingly good at everything, but fails in one key location. That it is extremely brittle and fragile, when you push past its shields.   No one knows where Lazurite Kahdine naturally forms from, but it did leak from the Lazarus Pillar via rift portals into all material worlds like an oil spill during Conria's collapse. However it has never 'naturally' formed on any planets of its own violition, meaning that it likely is missing some key formation requirement no planets have been able to meet.
Technology Tek isn't often visually appealing, having many visible and exposed wires, sockets, and moving parts. A early form of Technology is Gears; often referred to as the 'Steampunk' aesthetic.
  Magitek Magitek is flashy, but that beauty comes at a high cost. Often mages hold vice grip on Magitek because of the specialized work that goes into its work and function. An advanced form of Magitek is Runetek, which the Jotuns specialize in.
  Crystaltek Crystaltek can come in a variety of colors, often dependant on what essence they have been charged with.
  Adamtek Structures involving Adamtek to work properly often have to be carefully molded to look like natural growths to operate normally.
  Laztek Functioning Laztek is always blue. Flawed Laztek is purple. Erroring/Corrupted Laztek is Red.