
"She was a Lost Primordial God, but not in the way that the Grasping Hands favor... She was murdered."
— Keeper
  After years of speculation, investigation, false leads, and misdirection the importance of Ammeriam the planet was revealed through turncoat actioned by the Lazarus Enfrocer during a moment of mental clarity, in adjacent with the godling efforts. They revealed finally two key missing pieces. What the Subete'No'Shi cult called the "Ammeriamac Jotun Project' to groom a Primordial to their beck and call, so they may open the Rebrarus Ship; worshippers of the Aethyr and Nethyr who had successfully created a functioning reformation of the forgotten Primordial Goddess Tiamat. However the egg had a extreme incubation time, and would need further time to hatch, well into the unforseeable future from how much Primordial energy it truly would need to absorb in order to reform.   Tiamat is an absolutely massive entity, far outscaling the size of the Far Realms. She was said to be created from the idea of unknown monsters that lurked within unreality, and as such, is the beast whom could survive in the never ending churn of Abzu's Primordial nonexistance. Tiamat in the original age was said to be the wife of Abzu, having fallen in love with the senior Primordial because of the fact Abzu literally couldn't kill her. They together produced one child, Apsu, who was to be crowned Prince of Existence. However, a 'Primordial Sin' as they would call it would be done, as the Lost Primordial God Ordo would take the child and sacrifice them, enfusing their energy into existence, and causing everything to lurch forward and begin to take form.   As Abzu cried out and mourned his child, this enraged the grieving mother Tiamat, to which she hosted a war upon Ordo. However, though it is not specifically stated or proven, it is implied that Ordo, or perhaps Amano, defeated the rampaging entity, and drove back her spawn, the Dragons, with spawn of their own (Lungs, Daemons, & Archons.) However, though it was uncertain if they had killed her, or she succumbed to her injuries later, Tiamat did fall. Shortly after, Ordo retrieved their body, and fed it to the newly forming caste of Greater Primordials. (This included the ArchArchons and the ArchDaemons, his top soldiers.) However the lion's share went to Greater Lord Herne, who would go on to create the plane of existence with his pressence as all knew it.   Regardless of any of this however, Tiamat's power over existence still runs strong, with the existence of Draconics, and Draconic aligned individuals. This 'mother of dragons', or 'Queen of Dragons', needs no introduction. Karsus claims that she even had a cycle-based worship cult within his world that managed to summon a avatar of her for a brief time which boosted Draconic power and aggression around the world, before the ritual lost control and the avatar perished at the hands of adventurers.   Her original 'avatar' form was said to be a pale skinned woman, with pale white hair, with red tips, and pink horns, with pitch sea-monster like eyes. She was known to have a firey temper, and regardless of her countless hydra-like heads would be soundly of one mind. She was also very controlling of Abzu, and could often be described as the 'Master of the Primordial Sea'.   Her power is diffused about reality now, and as a result, Abzu obsessively pulls random objects, and entities into the Exitium, or nonexistence, to have his love closer to him, as he can't seem to comprehend her death. (Potentially; mentally unsound already on behalf of his child's death, and unable to accept that she had died, though unclear.)   Tiamat's power is speculated to be wielded by one who consumes her power. However this would have to be in a specific circumstance, the Rebis points out.  
  • The individual would have to be of a good alignment to counteract their evil.
  • The individual would have to be of Draconic decent.
  • The individual would have to be a, or ascend into a Primordial Lazurinian.
  • The individual would have to be willing to be Abzu's lover.
  • The individual would have to do this entire process while not inside of the Philospher Stone, to not tamper with the Runa, and energy levels.