
People can list any number of reasons to be afraid. This is because at the most fundamental level, 'comfort' leads to 'love', whilst 'fear' leads to 'death'. While people cannot give a clear answer why they want to live, they can give any number of answers why they do not wish to die. Thus, it is impossible to be unaffected by fear completely, as long as you are alive.
— Vampyr
  Aided To Reproduction(?) / Awakening(?) From the Love Essence By Otterly.   The Essence of Timeo is wild and new, and it's full capabilities are unknown. Using what we know about fear based effects, the following is suspected. The user can evoke and increase fear and horror in others causing the target’s brain to release fear-inducing chemicals. The target’s perception may be altered, causing them to see their environment as ominous and the user as dark and foreboding, or even as a monster. Potentially causing Paralysis or Paranoia.
Gods with the Timeo essence are unknown of their capaibilities, but it should be assumed that unresistable fear effects abound, and manipulation of the Frightened/Stunned/Paralyzed/ and Unconcious capabilities.