
Mythology says, Persimmons are holy fruit. Alongside this, we see World Trees all around us that connect back to the makeshift lifesource known as Lyfe to keep the material churning from its hidden location in Tir Na Nog. We know that the Dreamlands is merely only a Free Space of the area surrounding the holy tree. And what lays beyond the bubble that exists on the border 'wall' that Tiathao had originally created to slow his other halves assault is a endless place of Far Realmic wildspace. Now not much has been said about these places; but if you put all the lore together, it makes complete sense.
— Seer
  A Ya'Te'Veo is a carnivorious Far Realmic entity that exists through the entity known as 'Mercy.' Within the guidebook that was provided after a chance encounter with the 'Royalty Cards' beckoning effect, leading to a creature from another Ya'Te'Veo being brought forward, they provided the following information via a 'Codex of Basic Fractured-Land Tavel.'   These are 'Magnitude 10 Scavenger'; part of a class known as 'Alpha Carnoids' of which there are apparently not many, but this is one of them. The Ya'Te'Veo is a species which latches onto dead divine Creatures and feeding off of their beings. When they get big enough, they begin to feed off of the natural enviroment of the Far Realms and the Fractured Territories.   All Ye'Te'Veo produce micro organisms in order to protect its natural sphere. The fragile membrane sack around a mature Ye'Te'Veo is called the 'Horizon Film.' This produces a natural layer of defense against harmful entities of the Far Realms. (Such as C'tan)   Here are some various terms regarding Ye'Te'Veo.
  • Horizon Film. That which serves as a natural bubble of protection within the Fractured Lands/Far Realms. Like a giant circle of whiskers surrounding the tree, the Ye'Te'Veo can outstretch and sense that which is around them. (On Yggdrasil, this film was reinforced seemingly by Tiathao, only to be destroyed by Clan Niddhog.) The Horizon Film is also another name now for the location of the Dreamlands. AKA the 'empty' space surrounding the Ye'Te'Veo.
  • Elemental Chaos. That which exists within the Ye'Te'Veo proper, a amount of unchecked elemental energy, which goes onto produce entities like the Tutha De Dannan and other dreamlandic creatures.
  • Primordial Giants. The beings created specifically from the Ye'Te'Veo that are meant to protect it on the microscale. Born from the Ye'Te'Veo giving fragments of its abilities of creation into 'Domains', and then bestowing them onto the Primordial Giants to use as weapons and tools.
  • World Anvils. The fragments of the Ye'Te'Veo that the Primordial Giants hold within their domains in their chest.
  • Persimmiaries. Condensed microdomes of energy produced like fruit off of the Ye'Te'Veo which when harvested by Mercy are supposed to cultivate new Ye'Te'Veo, and the microbeings whom live within will become the next generation of Primordial Giants for the new tree that forms from them, reborn in this endless cycle.