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A quiet town of little consequence, people from Aflutridge have a keen eye for detail. Ruled by land-owning lords, Aflutridge is a small aristocracy famous for its woven goods. Settled on a rolling plain and home to massive flocks of sheep, Aflutride has made a name for itself for some of the finest spun wool in the world. Large loom houses employ the majority of the populace, spinning thread in every color imaginable. From there, the people of Aflutridge use this thread to make cloth and any number of goods. Additionally, the mesmerizing, zigzagging patterns of some weavers are desperately desired even as far as Cascade.
Party per quarterly argent and cendreé, first and fourth a ram’s head cabossed sable, second and third a quill of yarn argent
Geopolitical, Free City
Feudal Aristocracy   Ruler
Evrim nur Noor al-Palefur, Lord of the Ridge   Establishment
1267 AS   Languages
Ozin, Trade Common   Races
Half-Giant, Human, Kobold, Ratfolk


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