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One of the few truly racially constant freeholds, Avlada is an isolated community in the mountains north enough of the Stratos Stormhold and south enough of the Faredge Sovereignty that it has been largely left to its own devices. A territory of hobgoblins, they were fiercely militaristic and fiercely distrusting of outsiders. With a military tradition dating back to their founding times, however, the fighters of Avlada make some of the best mercenaries and scouts in the world. Ruled by the man who also leads their fleet, some are thankful that Avlada does not have more of a population to command, as there’s a very real believe that the tactical minds of Avladan infantry are perhaps the best in the world and, given the resources, they might turn that towards the conquering way of their southern neighbors. Avlada soldiers are sent to the Lighthouse of Gales when they seek promotion and those who pass are allowed to become officers.
Vert ermined sable, an estoile argent
Geopolitical, Free City
Absolute Stratocracy   Ruler
Taras Volavik, Lord Admiral   Establishment
1112 AS   Languages
Oyathi   Races


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