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Located on the shores of the Sundrop, Sunwell is a deeply religious community. Sunwell is a martial society where every inhabitant is expected to pull their weight within their capabilities. Known primarily for its order of paladins, the Stellar Templars, serve as military and government. An order of three branches, one each focusing on Irdu, Elysion, and Vequaniel, the Stellar Templars pride themselves on producing warriors of grace, good, and honor. With the Stellar Templars existing as both is military and its government, Sunwell has been ever successful in maintaining its own borders from wildlife and pirates... though the bitterness of the occupation of Aereldore by the Stratos Stormhold has yet to leave Wellish mouths.
Party per chevron gules and orange, three suns-in-splendor two and one or
Geopolitical, Free City
Limited Stratocracy   Ruler
Raúl Aurelis, Knight Commander   Establishment
856 AS   Languages
Aomin, Celestial   Races
Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Half-Elf, Human, Ifrit, Oread


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