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Established some point in the hazy past after the Age of Reforming by a group of air elementals leaving the Outer Planes, Zephyrios is a place of twisting spires and ivory, made as much as possible to resemble the cities in the clouds from the Plane of Air. With the original elementals having long since perished and returned to their home, Zephyrios is now ruled by a lineage of sylphs, who lead the aristocracy of humans and rule over a working class of gnomes and dromite. While not a terrible place or as disheartening as the rest of the settlements in the Great Nothing, Zephyrios is just far enough out of people’s radar that it remains unintegrated with the world at large.
Party per gyronny of three arrondi lilac, purpure, and or, a wind spirit argent
Geopolitical, Free City
Hereditary Absolute Monarchy   Ruler
Aoxelos, King   Establishment
Unknown   Languages
Auran   Races
Dromite, Gnome, Human, Sylph


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